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Omnichannel support for PVA Bot in Teams

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We've a bot that was built with PVA in Teams. We're looking to add OmniChannel support using Dynamics 365 Customer Service. The Omnichannel support does not seem to be present in Teams version of the PVA. In the web version, it looks like below. We can click on the Omnichannel and start to setup.


But in the Teams version, this option is not available. Do we have to have PVA Premium license to support this feature ?




  • shaiban_kaz Profile Picture
    shaiban_kaz 17 on at
    Re: Omnichannel support for PVA Bot in Teams

    Is there any other way we can use "transfer of agent" without using omnichannel?

  • Verified answer
    Re: Omnichannel support for PVA Bot in Teams

    Yes Vijay16, the capability to hand off to a live agent is a part of the PVA Premium license.  You can read more here about the differences in the licenses: 


    Hope that clarifies.  Thanks!

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