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Employee Ideas App custom localization

Hello! I need to localize 'Employee Ideas' app to Russian and I was pretty sure that I could manually add my own column into library "colLocalization", so it will translated automatically for users, because of variable gblUserLanguage. But I can't even open the library. Is there any solutions? I also could share this translation so anyone may use it.
Thank you.

Resident Rockstar
Resident Rockstar

The Employee Ideas app (and other Dataverse for Teams apps), uses an approach of building a static localization table. This is in the app as static excel data.

You would need to add rows for the all of the localized strings, and add your language code. You can create your own static file, add it to the app, and append it during the app's OnStart to add it to the localization collection.


Here is the table of values that being localized.


_translateCommon__Addcampaign en-US Add campaign
_translateCommon__Back en-US Back
_translateCommon__Cancel en-US Cancel
_translateCommon__Delete en-US Delete
_translateCommon__Edit en-US Edit
_translateCommon__Editcampaign en-US Edit campaign
_translateCommon__Save en-US Save
_translateCommon__Searchcampaigns en-US Search campaigns
_translateCommon__SettingsLabelChannel en-US Channel
_translateCommon__SettingsLabelChannelInstructions en-US Select the app channel where messages will be posted
_translateCommon__SettingsLabelGeneral en-US General
_translateDataValue__QuestionInstructionEffort en-US How much effort will your idea take to implement?
_translateDataValue__QuestionInstructionImpact en-US What impact will your idea have?
_translateDataValue__ReponseTypeRating en-US Rating
_translateDataValue__ReponseTypeText en-US Text
_translateDataValue__ResponseTextHigh en-US High
_translateDataValue__ResponseTextLow en-US Low
_translateDataValue__TextInputLong en-US Long
_translateDataValue__TextInputShort en-US Short
_translateTableValue__Active en-US Active
_translateTableValue__All en-US All
_translateTableValue__Expired en-US Expired
_translateTableValue__Newest en-US Newest
_translateTableValue__NotStarted en-US Not Started
_translateTableValue__Oldest en-US Oldest
_translateTableValue__Topvoted en-US Top voted
_translateVariable__dayleft en-US {0} day left
_translateVariable__daysleft en-US {0} days left
_translateVariable__daysuntilstart en-US {0} days until start
_translateVariable__dayuntilstart en-US {0} day until start
_translateVariable__idea en-US {0} idea
_translateVariable__ideas en-US {0} ideas
_translateVariable__SubmissionCampaign en-US Thank you, {0}. Your campaign has been added.
_translateVariable__SubmissionIdea en-US Thank you, {0}. Your idea has been submitted.
_translateVariable__vote en-US {0} vote
_translateVariable__votes en-US {0} votes
btnCampaignDetailControls_Duplicate__locText en-US Duplicate
btnCampaignDetailControls_Submit__locText en-US Submit an idea
btnCampaignIdeaControls_Return__locText en-US Return to list
btnCampaignIdeaControls_Share__locText en-US Share
btnCampaignIdeaControls_Submit__locText en-US Submit idea
btnIncorrectContext_Exit__locText en-US Close app
btnQuestionAddNew__locText en-US Add question
btnSaveSetup__locText en-US Let's go
imgCampaignIdeaControls_Votes__locText en-US Like
lblAddFile__locText en-US File
lblAddFilePhoto__locText en-US Photo
lblCampaignDetail_Duration__locText en-US Duration
lblCampaignDetailControls_PostToTeams__locText en-US Post to channel
lblCampaignIdeaCard_QuestionHeader__locText en-US Questions
lblCampaignStatsTopContributors__locText en-US Weekly top contributors
lblCampaignStatsTopIdeas__locText en-US Weekly top ideas
lblConfirmDeleteCampaign_Header__locText en-US Delete campaign
lblConfirmDeleteCampaign_Warning__locText en-US You're about to permanently delete this campaign and its associated ideas. You can't undo this action.
lblConfirmDeleteIdea_Header__locText en-US Delete idea
lblConfirmDeleteIdea_Warning__locText en-US You're about to permanently delete this idea and its associated records. You can't undo this action.
lblDateIncorrect__locText en-US Start date cannot be before end date
lbldeaFiles_Header__locText en-US Attach supporting files
lblFormCampaignDateRange__locText en-US How long would you like this campaign to run?
lblFormCampaignDateRangeRequirement__locText en-US Please provide a start and end date
lblFormCampaignDescription__locText en-US Description
lblFormCampaignImage__locText en-US Cover image
lblFormCampaignSelectImage__locText en-US Select an image
lblFormCampaignTitle__locText en-US Campaign name
lblIdea_IconImage__locText en-US Add an image to represent your idea
lblIdeaDetailControls_PostToTeams__locText en-US Share in channel
lblIncorrectContext_Explanation__locText en-US Please run this app in Teams or a web browser, for the complete user experience.
lblIncorrectContext_Notification__locText en-US Oops! Please try again.
lblLoadingText__locText en-US Employee ideas
lblQuestionHeader__locText en-US Idea questions
lblQuestionsInstructions__locText en-US Instructions
lblQuestionsResponseType__locText en-US Response Type
lblSettgins_TeamOwnerRestricted_OnlyOwners__locText en-US This setting is only available to Team owners
lblSettings_TeamOwnerRestricted_Header__locText en-US Team Owner Restricted?
lblSettings_TeamOwnerRestricted_Instructions__locText en-US Should only Team owners be allowed to add campaigns, and access settings?
lblSetup_Description__locText en-US Employee ideas allows you to easily add, categorize, and track submitted ideas. Select the Channel to get started.
lblSetup_Welcome__locText en-US Welcome to Employee ideas
txtFormCampaignDescription__locHintText en-US Write campaign description
txtFormCampaignTitle__locHintText en-US Give your campaign a name
txtDatePicker_DateSelected__locAccessibleLabel en-US Date currently selected
imgDatePicker_CalendarIcon__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to select a different date
icnDatePicker_PreviousMonth__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to view the previous month
icnDatePicker_NextMonth__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to view the next month
drpChannel__locAccessibleLabel en-US List of Channels for the current Team
galCampaignStatsTopContributors__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of weekly top idea contributors
galCampaignStatsTopIdeas__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of weekly top ideas, by vote count
imgCampaigSummary_Search__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to search for campaigns
drpCampaignSummary_Status__locAccessibleLabel en-US List of campaign statuses, to filter campaigns
galCampaignSummary__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of campaigns
imgCampaignDetail_SortGallery__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to sort campaigns
imgCampaignDetailControls_Delete__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to delete campaign
imgCampaignDetailControls_Duplicate__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to duplicate campaign
tglCampaignDetailControls_PostToTeams__locAccessibleLabel en-US Toggle to post campaign to Teams Channel
galStockImageSelect__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of stock images for a campaign
imgStockImage__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to select this stock image
txtFormCampaignTitle__locAccessibleLabel en-US Text input for campaign title
addFormCampaignImage__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to add your own image for this campaign
txtFormCampaignDescription__locAccessibleLabel en-US Text input for campaign description
imgFormCampaignIconEditImage__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to add or edit the campaign image
galCampaignEditQuestions__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of questions for the campaign, which will be responded to when submitting an idea
imgQuestionDelete__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to delete this question from the campaign
imgQuestionSequenceUp__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to move the order of the question up in the list of questions
imgQuestionSequenceDown__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to move the order of the question down in the list of questions
txtQuestionInstructions__locAccessibleLabel en-US Text input for question instructions
galCampaignQuestionResponseType__locAccessibleLabel en-US Response types for the question
txtQuestionResponseTextExample__locAccessibleLabel en-US Visual example of a text input based on question response type
galQuestionResponseRating__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of response ratings 1 through 5, with text to indicate the relative meaning of 1 and 5
txtIdeaQuestionRating_HighLow__locAccessibleLabel en-US Text input to indicate the relative meaning of the number
tglQuestionShortLongText__locAccessibleLabel en-US Toggle indicating a text response to the question should be short or long
drpCampaignDetailsIdeas_Sort__locAccessibleLabel en-US List of options to sort ideas
galCampaignDetailsIdeas__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of ideas for the selected campaign
imgCampaignDetailsIdeas_Votes__locAccessibleLabel en-US Image indicating if you have voted (filled) for this idea, or not (unfilled)
imgCampaignIdeaControls_MoreCommands__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to see more commands for the idea
tglIdeaDetailControls_PostToTeams__locAccessibleLabel en-US Toggle to post idea to Teams Channel
galIdeaCommands__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of commands for the idea
galIdeaResponses__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of responses for the idea
galIdeaResponseRating__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of response ratings for the question, for this idea
txtResponseText__locAccessibleLabel en-US Text input for the to this question, for this idea
addIdea_Uploaded__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to add an image to this idea
addFileIdea__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to add a file to this idea
galIdeaFiles__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of files added to this idea
atcIdeaFile__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to open the attached file
imgIdeaFile_Delete__locAccessibleLabel en-US Click to delete this file, from the idea
galSettings__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of settings areas
tglSettings_TeamOwnerRestricted__locAccessibleLabel en-US Toggle indicating if the ability to create campaigns and edit settings, is limited to Team owners
galHelp__locAccessibleLabel en-US Gallery of help URLs
_translateCommon_HelpSendUsYourIdeas en-US Read documentation
_translateCommon_HelpReadDocumentation en-US Send us your ideas
_translateCommon_HelpEngageCommunity en-US Engage with community
lblLoadingTextSettingUp__locText en-US This is the first time this app has been run. Setting up a few things.
lblSetup_CanChange__locText en-US You can change this anytime in app settings
comZeroState_Campaigns__locText en-US No campaigns found
comZeroState_TopIdeas__locText en-US Top voted ideas will appear here
comZeroState_TopContributors__locText en-US Team members who submit the most ideas will appear here
_translateCommon_AppNameManager en-US Manage campaigns
_translateCommon_AppNameUser en-US Submit ideas
_translateCommon_NavigateHome en-US Click to return to list of campaigns
chkConfirmDelete_Confirm__locText en-US I understand.
_translateCommon_NavigateBackCampaignList en-US Return to campaign list
_translateCommon_NavigateBackIdeaList en-US Return to idea list
comZeroState_CampaignSearch__locText en-US No campaigns found
comZeroState_Ideas__locText en-US New ideas will appear here
btnAddFile__locText en-US Add file
lbldeaFiles_HeaderAttachments__locText en-US Attachments
addIdea_Uploaded_Add__locText en-US Add an image
addIdea_Uploaded_Change__locText en-US Click to change
btnMobileBrowseCampaigns__locText en-US Browse campaigns
lblMobileGreetingInstructions__locText en-US Glad to have you here, let’s get your great ideas added to a campaign or vote for an existing one.
lblMobileGreetingName_Morning__locText en-US Good morning, {0}.
lblMobileGreetingName_Afternoon__locText en-US Good afternoon, {0}.
lblMobileGreetingName_Evening__locText en-US Good evening, {0}.
comMobileHeader_CampaignDetail__BackToHome en-US Back to home
comMobileHeader_CampaignDetail__BackToCampaign en-US Back to campaign
_translateCommon_ToggleTrue_Yes en-US Yes
_translateCommon_ToggleFalse_No en-US No
_translateCommon__AppNameManageIssues en-US Manage issues
_translateCommon__BuiltWithPowerPlatform en-US Built with Microsoft Power Platform
_translateCommon__AppNameIssueReporting en-US Issue reporting
_translateCommon__Splash_Title en-US Built with Microsoft Power Platform. Ready for you to extend.
_translateCommon__Splash_Description en-US You can extend the app capabilities using powerful data platform and approachable low-code tools from the Power Platform, all within Teams.
_translateCommon__Splash_LearnMore en-US Learn more
_translateCommon__Splash_DoNotShowAgain en-US Don’t show this again
_translateCommon__Splash_Back en-US Back
_translateCommon__Splash_Proceed en-US Got it
_translateCommon__About_Description en-US Customize this app using approachable low-code tools from the Power Platform. Within Teams- access essential platform capabilities using a brand-new table authoring experience. For example, you can add your brand logo or edit the app colors.
_translateCommon__About_Customize en-US Customize using Power Apps
_translateCommon__About_Greeting en-US Hi, what can we help you with today?
_translateCommon__About_LinkLearn en-US Learn how to customize this app
_translateCommon__About_LinkSendUsIdeas en-US Send us your ideas
_translateCommon__About_LinkEngageCommunity en-US Engage with community
_translateCommon__About_WatchVideo en-US Watch the app video
_translateCommon__About_VideoAccessible en-US Watch a video about this app
_translateCommon__About_ExploreMoreApps en-US Explore more Apps built with Power Apps
_translateCommon__About_AppLink en-US View app
_translateCommon__About_AppOverview en-US App overview
_translateCommon__About_MSFT en-US Microsoft Corporation
_translateCommon__AppNameIdeas en-US Ideas
_translateCommon__AppDescriptionIssueReporting en-US Identify + manage issues & incidents in your organization
_translateCommon__AppDescriptionEmployeeIdeas en-US Easily review, manage, and vote upon team’s ideas to increase team engagement.
_translateCommon__AppDescriptionInspections en-US Create customized checklist style inspections for areas and assets.
_translateCommon__AppNameInspections en-US Inspections
_translateCommon__About_AppGallery en-US Gallery of other apps by Microsoft
_translateCommon__About_LinkGallery en-US Gallery of helpful links
_translateCommon__PowerToolsGallery en-US Gallery of Power Platform applications
_translateCommon__IncorrectContext_Title en-US Oops! Please try again.
_translateCommon__IncorrectContext_TeamsRequired en-US App only supported in Microsoft Teams. To open the app, please use Microsoft Teams app on your phone or desktop.
_translateCommon__IncorrectContext_PhoneNotSupported en-US App not supported in phone. To open the app, please use Microsoft Teams app on your desktop.
_translateCommon__IncorrectContext_CloseApp en-US Close app
_translateCommon__NotSetup_Title en-US Oops! This app isn't setup yet.
_translateCommon__NotSetup_UseTeamsFirst en-US Please run this app within Teams on your desktop or web browser to complete setup.
Resident Rockstar
Resident Rockstar

Ugh, formatting on that is bad. Let me know if you can work with it, or if you'd like a cleaner file/table.

Not applicable

Thank you for response! I did what you advised, it worked. But there are a lot of problems here. Like all the stuff do not work properly, can't even use vote button. So it looks like I need a lot of time to fix all the problems inside, or may I be wrong? @GarethPrisk 

Resident Rockstar
Resident Rockstar

Simply changing the localization file/collection should have no issue. The app runs in all languages, and can even switch on-the-fly.


Do you have any errors in the studio? Perhaps the app OnStart is now broken, or something which may limit functionality in the app itself.

Not applicable

Oh, I just switch language to English-US inside of general teams settings while working on app and all this stuff gone, now it works properly! Thank you so much, your advises were extremely useful.

P.S. I'm working on full Russian localization now, if anyone else need this I could send .xlsx file and short tutorial how to use it if needed.

New Member

Hi all,


I am new to Powerapps. I am trying to change the app language to Turkish, but need some guidance. Can you please help?


Thank you.

Helpful resources


Tuesday Tip: Getting Started with Private Messages & Macros

Welcome to TUESDAY TIPS, your weekly connection with the most insightful tips and tricks that empower both newcomers and veterans in the Power Platform Community! Every Tuesday, we bring you a curated selection of the finest advice, distilled from the resources and tools in the Community. Whether you’re a seasoned member or just getting started, Tuesday Tips are the perfect compass guiding you across the dynamic landscape of the Power Platform Community.   As our community family expands each week, we revisit our essential tools, tips, and tricks to ensure you’re well-versed in the community’s pulse. Keep an eye on the News & Announcements for your weekly Tuesday Tips—you never know what you may learn!   This Week's Tip: Private Messaging & Macros in Power Apps Community   Do you want to enhance your communication in the Community and streamline your interactions? One of the best ways to do this is to ensure you are using Private Messaging--and the ever-handy macros that are available to you as a Community member!   Our Knowledge Base article about private messaging and macros is the best place to find out more. Check it out today and discover some key tips and tricks when it comes to messages and macros:   Private Messaging: Learn how to enable private messages in your community profile and ensure you’re connected with other community membersMacros Explained: Discover the convenience of macros—prewritten text snippets that save time when posting in forums or sending private messagesCreating Macros: Follow simple steps to create your own macros for efficient communication within the Power Apps CommunityUsage Guide: Understand how to apply macros in posts and private messages, enhancing your interaction with the Community For detailed instructions and more information, visit the full page in your community today:Power Apps: Enabling Private Messaging & How to Use Macros (Power Apps)Power Automate: Enabling Private Messaging & How to Use Macros (Power Automate)  Copilot Studio: Enabling Private Messaging &How to Use Macros (Copilot Studio) Power Pages: Enabling Private Messaging & How to Use Macros (Power Pages)

April 4th Copilot Studio Coffee Chat | Recording Now Available

Did you miss the Copilot Studio Coffee Chat on April 4th? This exciting and informative session with Dewain Robinson and Gary Pretty is now available to watch in our Community Galleries!   This AMA discussed how Copilot Studio is using the conversational AI-powered technology to aid and assist in the building of chatbots. Dewain is a Principal Program Manager with Copilot Studio. Gary is a Principal Program Manager with Copilot Studio and Conversational AI. Both of them had great insights to share with the community and answered some very interesting questions!     As part of our ongoing Coffee Chat AMA series, this engaging session gives the Community the unique opportunity to learn more about the latest Power Platform Copilot plans, where we’ll focus, and gain insight into upcoming features. We’re looking forward to hearing from the community at the next AMA, so hang on to your questions!   Watch the recording in the Gallery today: April 4th Copilot Studio Coffee Chat AMA

Tuesday Tip: Subscriptions & Notifications

TUESDAY TIPS are our way of communicating helpful things we've learned or shared that have helped members of the Community. Whether you're just getting started or you're a seasoned pro, Tuesday Tips will help you know where to go, what to look for, and navigate your way through the ever-growing--and ever-changing--world of the Power Platform Community! We cover basics about the Community, provide a few "insider tips" to make your experience even better, and share best practices gleaned from our most active community members and Super Users.   With so many new Community members joining us each week, we'll also review a few of our "best practices" so you know just "how" the Community works, so make sure to watch the News & Announcements each week for the latest and greatest Tuesday Tips!   This Week: All About Subscriptions & Notifications We don't want you to a miss a thing in the Community! The best way to make sure you know what's going on in the News & Announcements, to blogs you follow, or forums and galleries you're interested in is to subscribe! These subscriptions ensure you receive automated messages about the most recent posts and replies. Even better, there are multiple ways you can subscribe to content and boards in the community! (Please note: if you have created an AAD (Azure Active Directory) account you won't be able to receive e-mail notifications.)   Subscribing to a Category  When you're looking at the entire category, select from the Options drop down and choose Subscribe.     You can then choose to Subscribe to all of the boards or select only the boards you want to receive notifications. When you're satisfied with your choices, click Save.   Subscribing to a Topic You can also subscribe to a single topic by clicking Subscribe from the Options drop down menu, while you are viewing the topic or in the General board overview, respectively.     Subscribing to a Label Find the labels at the bottom left of a post.From a particular post with a label, click on the label to filter by that label. This opens a window containing a list of posts with the label you have selected. Click Subscribe.           Note: You can only subscribe to a label at the board level. If you subscribe to a label named 'Copilot' at board #1, it will not automatically subscribe you to an identically named label at board #2. You will have to subscribe twice, once at each board.   Bookmarks Just like you can subscribe to topics and categories, you can also bookmark topics and boards from the same menus! Simply go to the Topic Options drop down menu to bookmark a topic or the Options drop down to bookmark a board. The difference between subscribing and bookmarking is that subscriptions provide you with notifications, whereas bookmarks provide you a static way of easily accessing your favorite boards from the My subscriptions area.   Managing & Viewing Your Subscriptions & Bookmarks To manage your subscriptions, click on your avatar and select My subscriptions from the drop-down menu.     From the Subscriptions & Notifications tab, you can manage your subscriptions, including your e-mail subscription options, your bookmarks, your notification settings, and your email notification format.     You can see a list of all your subscriptions and bookmarks and choose which ones to delete, either individually or in bulk, by checking multiple boxes.     A Note on Following Friends on Mobile Adding someone as a friend or selecting Follow in the mobile view does not allow you to subscribe to their activity feed. You will merely be able to see your friends’ biography, other personal information, or online status, and send messages more quickly by choosing who to send the message to from a list, as opposed to having to search by username.

Monthly Community User Group Update | April 2024

The monthly Community User Group Update is your resource for discovering User Group meetings and events happening around the world (and virtually), welcoming new User Groups to our Community, and more! Our amazing Community User Groups are an important part of the Power Platform Community, with more than 700 Community User Groups worldwide, we know they're a great way to engage personally, while giving our members a place to learn and grow together.   This month, we welcome 3 new User Groups in India, Wales, and Germany, and feature 8 User Group Events across Power Platform and Dynamics 365. Find out more below. New Power Platform User Groups   Power Platform Innovators (India) About: Our aim is to foster a collaborative environment where we can share upcoming Power Platform events, best practices, and valuable content related to Power Platform. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a newcomer looking to learn, this group is for you. Let’s empower each other to achieve more with Power Platform. Join us in shaping the future of digital transformation!   Power Platform User Group (Wales) About: A Power Platform User Group in Wales (predominantly based in Cardiff but will look to hold sessions around Wales) to establish a community to share learnings and experience in all parts of the platform.   Power Platform User Group (Hannover) About: This group is for anyone who works with the services of Microsoft Power Platform or wants to learn more about it and no-code/low-code. And, of course, Microsoft Copilot application in the Power Platform.   New Dynamics365 User Groups   Ellucian CRM Recruit UK (United Kingdom) About: A group for United Kingdom universities using Ellucian CRM Recruit to manage their admissions process, to share good practice and resolve issues.    Business Central Mexico (Mexico City) About:  A place to find documentation, learning resources, and events focused on user needs in Mexico. We meet to discuss and answer questions about the current features in the standard localization that Microsoft provides, and what you only find in third-party locations. In addition, we focus on what's planned for new standard versions, recent legislation requirements, and more. Let's work together to drive request votes for Microsoft for features that aren't currently found—but are indispensable.   Dynamics 365 F&O User Group (Dublin) About: The Dynamics 365 F&O User Group - Ireland Chapter meets up in person at least twice yearly in One Microsoft Place Dublin for users to have the opportunity to have conversations on mutual topics, find out what’s new and on the Dynamics 365 FinOps Product Roadmap, get insights from customer and partner experiences, and access to Microsoft subject matter expertise.  Upcoming Power Platform Events    PAK Time (Power Apps Kwentuhan) 2024 #6 (Phillipines, Online) This is a continuation session of Custom API. Sir Jun Miano will be sharing firsthand experience on setting up custom API and best practices. (April 6, 2024)       Power Apps: Creating business applications rapidly (Sydney) At this event, learn how to choose the right app on Power Platform, creating a business application in an hour, and tips for using Copilot AI. While we recommend attending all 6 events in the series, each session is independent of one another, and you can join the topics of your interest. Think of it as a “Hop On, Hop Off” bus! Participation is free, but you need a personal computer (laptop) and we provide the rest. We look forward to seeing you there! (April 11, 2024)     April 2024 Cleveland Power Platform User Group (Independence, Ohio) Kickoff the meeting with networking, and then our speaker will share how to create responsive and intuitive Canvas Apps using features like Variables, Search and Filtering. And how PowerFx rich functions and expressions makes configuring those functionalities easier. Bring ideas to discuss and engage with other community members! (April 16, 2024)     Dynamics 365 and Power Platform 2024 Wave 1 Release (NYC, Online) This session features Aric Levin, Microsoft Business Applications MVP and Technical Architect at Avanade and Mihir Shah, Global CoC Leader of Microsoft Managed Services at IBM. We will cover some of the new features and enhancements related to the Power Platform, Dataverse, Maker Portal, Unified Interface and the Microsoft First Party Apps (Microsoft Dynamics 365) that were announced in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform 2024 Release Wave 1 Plan. (April 17, 2024)     Let’s Explore Copilot Studio Series: Bot Skills to Extend Your Copilots (Makati National Capital Reg... Join us for the second installment of our Let's Explore Copilot Studio Series, focusing on Bot Skills. Learn how to enhance your copilot's abilities to automate tasks within specific topics, from booking appointments to sending emails and managing tasks. Discover the power of Skills in expanding conversational capabilities. (April 30, 2024)   Upcoming Dynamics365 Events    Leveraging Customer Managed Keys (CMK) in Dynamics 365 (Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Online) This month's featured topic: Leveraging Customer Managed Keys (CMK) in Dynamics 365, with special guest Nitin Jain from Microsoft. We are excited and thankful to him for doing this session. Join us for this online session, which should be helpful to all Dynamics 365 developers, Technical Architects and Enterprise architects who are implementing Dynamics 365 and want to have more control on the security of their data over Microsoft Managed Keys. (April 11, 2024)     Stockholm D365 User Group April Meeting (Stockholm) This is a Swedish user group for D365 Finance and Operations, AX2012, CRM, CE, Project Operations, and Power BI.  (April 17, 2024)         Transportation Management in D365 F&SCM Q&A Session (Toronto, Online) Calling all Toronto UG members and beyond! Join us for an engaging and informative one-hour Q&A session, exclusively focused on Transportation Management System (TMS) within Dynamics 365 F&SCM. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just curious about TMS, this event is for you. Bring your questions! (April 26, 2024)   Leaders, Create Your Events!    Leaders of existing User Groups, don’t forget to create your events within the Community platform. By doing so, you’ll enable us to share them in future posts and newsletters. Let’s spread the word and make these gatherings even more impactful! Stay tuned for more updates, inspiring stories, and collaborative opportunities from and for our Community User Groups.   P.S. Have an event or success story to share? Reach out to us – we’d love to feature you. Just leave a comment or send a PM here in the Community!

Exclusive LIVE Community Event: Power Apps Copilot Coffee Chat with Copilot Studio Product Team

We have closed kudos on this post at this time. Thank you to everyone who kudo'ed their RSVP--your invitations are coming soon!  Miss the window to RSVP? Don't worry--you can catch the recording of the meeting this week in the Community.  Details coming soon!   *****   It's time for the SECOND Power Apps Copilot Coffee Chat featuring the Copilot Studio product team, which will be held LIVE on April 3, 2024 at 9:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).     This is an incredible opportunity to connect with members of the Copilot Studio product team and ask them anything about Copilot Studio. We'll share our special guests with you shortly--but we want to encourage to mark your calendars now because you will not want to miss the conversation.   This live event will give you the unique opportunity to learn more about Copilot Studio plans, where we’ll focus, and get insight into upcoming features. We’re looking forward to hearing from the community, so bring your questions!   TO GET ACCESS TO THIS EXCLUSIVE AMA: Kudo this post to reserve your spot! Reserve your spot now by kudoing this post.  Reservations will be prioritized on when your kudo for the post comes through, so don't wait! Click that "kudo button" today.   Invitations will be sent on April 2nd.Users posting Kudos after April 2nd. at 9AM PDT may not receive an invitation but will be able to view the session online after conclusion of the event. Give your "kudo" today and mark your calendars for April 3rd, 2024 at 9:30 AM PDT and join us for an engaging and informative session!

Tuesday Tip: Blogging in the Community is a Great Way to Start

TUESDAY TIPS are our way of communicating helpful things we've learned or shared that have helped members of the Community. Whether you're just getting started or you're a seasoned pro, Tuesday Tips will help you know where to go, what to look for, and navigate your way through the ever-growing--and ever-changing--world of the Power Platform Community! We cover basics about the Community, provide a few "insider tips" to make your experience even better, and share best practices gleaned from our most active community members and Super Users.   With so many new Community members joining us each week, we'll also review a few of our "best practices" so you know just "how" the Community works, so make sure to watch the News & Announcements each week for the latest and greatest Tuesday Tips!   This Week's Topic: Blogging in the Community Are you new to our Communities and feel like you may know a few things to share, but you're not quite ready to start answering questions in the forums? A great place to start is the Community blog! Whether you've been using Power Platform for awhile, or you're new to the low-code revolution, the Community blog is a place for anyone who can write, has some great insight to share, and is willing to commit to posting regularly! In other words, we want YOU to join the Community blog.    Why should you consider becoming a blog author? Here are just a few great reasons. 🎉   Learn from Each Other: Our community is like a bustling marketplace of ideas. By sharing your experiences and insights, you contribute to a dynamic ecosystem where makers learn from one another. Your unique perspective matters! Collaborate and Innovate: Imagine a virtual brainstorming session where minds collide, ideas spark, and solutions emerge. That’s what our community blog offers—a platform for collaboration and innovation. Together, we can build something extraordinary. Showcase the Power of Low-Code: You know that feeling when you discover a hidden gem? By writing about your experience with your favorite Power Platform tool, you’re shining a spotlight on its capabilities and real-world applications. It’s like saying, “Hey world, check out this amazing tool!” Earn Trust and Credibility: When you share valuable information, you become a trusted resource. Your fellow community members rely on your tips, tricks, and know-how. It’s like being the go-to friend who always has the best recommendations. Empower Others: By contributing to our community blog, you empower others to level up their skills. Whether it’s a nifty workaround, a time-saving hack, or an aha moment, your words have impact. So grab your keyboard, brew your favorite beverage, and start writing! Your insights matter and your voice counts! With every blog shared in the Community, we all do a better job of tackling complex challenges with gusto. 🚀   Welcome aboard, future blog author! ✍️✏️🌠 Get started blogging across the Power Platform Communities today! Just follow one of the links below to begin your blogging adventure.   Power Apps: Power Automate: Copilot Studio: Power Pages:   When you follow the link, look for the Message Admins button like this on the page's right rail, and let us know you're interested. We can't wait to connect with you and help you get started. Thanks for being part of our incredible community--and thanks for becoming part of the community blog!

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