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Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

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Hi, everyone.
I have created a chatbot using Power virtual agents trial.
Chatbot connects with OpenAI API and basically its a gpt3 chatbot.
Also, I deployed the chatbot in teams, and want to know whether the deployed chatbot in teams will work after the PVA trial gets expired?

  • MattJimison Profile Picture
    MattJimison on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    It does work - after importing it into the related Team, you can access that Team's Dataverse environment.

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    I agree.  But the question is about using Teams specific features after starting the app in the Web client.  I would need to test it, but I suspect that if you create it in the Web client and then import it into Teams you won't be able to add a Dataverse for Teams connection, just a regular Dataverse connection.  I suspect that is what he wants to do.

  • MattJimison Profile Picture
    MattJimison on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    @Pstork1 if the PVA Premium bot doesn't actually use any premium features, you can export it as a solution and import it in PowerApps for Teams to convert it to a PVA Teams bot (I've done this several times at my business for users who didn't realize they didn't need PVA Premium). There would be a catch, though, since PVA Teams doesn't utilize the Unified canvas, so newer PVA Premium bots couldn't be imported.


    Regarding the trial license, you are prompted with the option of extending the trial at its conclusion, but there's no documentation on how many times a trial can be extended, so I'd definitely work towards getting licenses or moving it to PVA Teams. Note that the developer licenses for PVA Premium come at no charge; what you're paying for is the number of monthly sessions. However, even though the licenses have a $0 SKU, they still need to be procured.


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  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    To the best of my knowledge if you start the bot in PVA Web then there is no way to actually switch it fully to the PVA Client in Teams.  It will have features that Teams doesn't support.  So no, I don't think you can start a bot in PVA Web and then convert it to the Teams license.

  • Jupyter123 Profile Picture
    Jupyter123 on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    @Pstork1 , Hi, I have a question.

    In Teams, when I use the PVA Client to create a chatbot, it defaults to a canvas bot. However, if I create a chatbot using the PVA Web interface, it defaults to a production mode bot.

    So, my question is, if I create a production bot in PVA Web and then go back to the Teams PVA Client to add all the necessary functionalities, will the license cover it in Teams?

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    First, It depends on whether you created the bot in the PVA web designer or in the PVA client inside Teams. If you used the client inside Teams then the Teams license is all you need.  If you use the PVA web client then you need a per user license (or trial) to develop the bot and a Tenant license to cover everyone using the bot.  Once the bot is developed and deployed you no longer need the per user license until you want to make changes to the bot.


    If the only place you are going to deploy the bot is Teams then I recommend using the Teams PVA client. It will save you having to worry about extra licensing.

  • aanchalvazir Profile Picture
    aanchalvazir on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    @Pstork1 could you please elaborate what you mean by "valid license"? Which license is exactly needed in this case? In the following article, I read the 2 kinds of licenses that are available, but for my entire organization to operate a bot in Teams that I have deployed in PVA, is the "tenant license" of PVA needed? If so, is there a free/unpaid license available?

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    If you make changes to the flow you need to remove the flow from the bot, add it back in and publish the changes. Otherwise the bot doesn't know that the flow is different. 


    If you made the bot in the client inside Teams it will continue to work. If you made it in the web client it should stop working. There's no guarantee that it will stop, but its not covered by your trial license anymore.

  • Jupyter123 Profile Picture
    Jupyter123 on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    Hey @Pstork1 ,

    It has been 60 days since I started using the bot in Teams, but it's still working even though I haven't extended the trial. Also, I made some changes to the PVA flow, but they are not reflecting in Teams.
    Why's that?

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 on at
    Re: Does PVA trial work after 60 days for this scenario?

    Yes, the Teams license covers bots built inside Teams.  There are some limitations when using Dataverse inside Teams but most of the functionality is there.

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