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Most Valuable Professional

New PowerApps and Flow Licensing coming October 1, 2019

If you haven't seen the announcement yet about the Licensing changes that are coming to PowerApps and Flow starting on October 1, 2019 you really need to read the following Blog. This announcement was originally made at Inspire this year, but has undergone a number of significant changes.  Make sure you read this and understand what it means to you and your organization.

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160 REPLIES 160

"Trust has to be earned every day" ... 


Makes you sick, doesn't it?


Create a blank App, Flow, and the connections you need - then hit "Save as..." as many times as it takes to cover off the next five years and retrain in a trustworthy company's product - whichever comes FIRST.


Not applicable

Thanks @Pstork1.  I didn't realize that the PowerApps licenses are still in Dynamics.  I haven't found much info.  But when you say seeded, what exactly am I getting?  Right now, I am using excess Dynamics licenses to get PowerApps Plan 2.  Will Dynamics licenses include the $40/user/month license or will it just give me CDS and Dynamics connectors? 

Most Valuable Professional
Most Valuable Professional

I think the answer is somewhere in-between the $40 license and a CDS and D365 connector only.  Its all about the application context.  If the app "extends a Dyanmics application" but uses a non-dynamics premium connector I believe its still covered just like it was in the past.  What won't be covered are standalone applications that have nothing to do with Dynamics.  Its all about the application context.  Here's the section from the FAQ.


Will PowerApps and Microsoft Flow use rights change for Dynamics 365 applications?

PowerApps use rights with Dynamics 365 licenses: Dynamics 365 Enterprise licenses will no longer include general purpose PowerApps capabilities. Dynamics 365 Enterprise users will continue to be able to run apps and portals that extend and customize the licensed Dynamics 365 application, as long as those apps and portals are located in the same environment as their licensed Dynamics 365 application. Custom apps or portals outside of the Dynamics 365 environment will require a standalone PowerApps license.

Microsoft Flow use rights with Dynamics 365 licenses: Dynamics 365 licenses will no longer include general purpose Microsoft Flow capabilities. Microsoft Flows will need to map to licensed Dynamics 365 application context - Microsoft Flows should trigger from OR connect to data sources within use rights of licensed Dynamics 365 application(s). Use of standalone flows will require a Microsoft Flow license.

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That is exactly what I was looking for, although not the answer I was hoping for!  We do all of our custom canvas apps outside of the context of our D365 environments.  We work with all custom procsses and do no extending of D365.  So it looks like the places where we have used Dynamics licenses to get PowerApps P2 and use premium connectors are all going to be impacted.  That is a whole different issue for us that may not even fall under being grandfathered.  I've definitely got a lot of fun in the next few months, and I hope I still have a job in the few after that!  We built out a department with 4 developers using PowerApps and its usefulness is slowly slipping away.  Oh joy.

Most Valuable Professional
Most Valuable Professional

Existing Apps wherever thay are that use SQL will still be covered by the grandfathering for 5 years. But any new apps would require either App only or standalone user licenses.

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Continued Contributor
Continued Contributor

If I create 15 blank apps tomorrow and connect them to my SQL database, will they be grandfathered for 5 years too? And I'll still be able to develop them further within that 5 years?
Most Valuable Professional
Most Valuable Professional

I've already addresssed this earlier in this thread.  The answer is that Yes, theoretically that would give you 15 grandfathered apps.  It would also be a clear attempt to violate the spirit of the new licensing rules. So I don't recommend it.

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Continued Contributor
Continued Contributor

Thank you for your reply.

To be honest I dont really want to do it. But realistically, taking away a service I am already using violates the spirit of the licenses I am already paying for.

Hello everyone.


I mostly don't enjoy the questions that clients are now asking: "What are the alternatives?" Please please please we don't want to go back there!


The second question from clients that cause for some very uncomfortable conversations: How can we confidently continue with full deployment of Teams, Planner, etc, if we might be faced with the same problem in a little while? Erm erm erm erm, look a squirrel!


I appreciate what Microsoft is doing and the fact that they sometimes need to make changes to the pricing models especially when introducing new functionality like portals and external access. That being said, everyone's worst nightmare is that once everyone is using Office 365 (which they will), the licensing models would become exponentially more expensive as Microsoft has 'locked' everyone in. I don't want to believe that this is the case it doesn't seem coherent with every talk I see form Satya and the great work that Microsoft is doing in the community. This is however clearly affecting clients' willingness to just implement O365 services as it makes perfect sense.


To me this conversation can be split in two. The way the licensing model approaches new functionality and the way it affects existing functionality. The new functionality is fair game as no one had this in the past, so I am just talking about existing functionality for now.


Concern 1) The apparent frequent changes in licensing is making clients extremely uncomfortable for long term investment. I think this is having a bigger impact that anyone anticipated.

Concern 2) Users that might need access to one or two premium connectors (or SQL Azure now), but nothing else are now in for some significant costs, even if they don't need any portals or Model-Driven functionality. If someone for an example uses the Word online connector, they would have been able to get a P1 in the past, but now they have to opt in for the per user per app per month license which could potentially be just as expensive as the P2 or per user license if they are using a few apps. There seems to be a big gap on this one as the only way they would be able to get access to that one premium connector (or SQL in Azure now), would be through the per user per app per month model that also gives access to model driven apps, portals, external access and sushi! It feels like this shouldn't be the only option to get access to a premium connector. It might be more cost effective for this user to then use the pay per action model from Logic Apps, but they might want to access this directly from PowerApps depending on the connector.

Concern 3) Another concern, very similar to the previous one, is that sometimes we use HTTP actions to enrich the functionality between existing Office 365 workloads. An example of this is making use of some more advanced filter queries in Flow, and then dynamically return the data to PowerApps from Flow using an HTTP response as per one of ours video on http://youtube/davestechtips. This would effectively mean that this user would have to buy a per user per app per month license to make use of this functionality.


We need a more cost effective and manageable way to get access to premium connectors and on premises data sources directly from Canvas apps (and SQL Azure). Originally the HTTP and custom connectors were accessible to the Office 365 entitlement (limited to one per user) but this changed in March 2019. Maybe bring this back where a normal user can access one or two premium functions as part of the O365 entitlement. Maybe also consider a similar model to Logic Apps, allowing per action billing and another one which just allows access to premium connectors, without all the other goodies from portals, models and sushi. :winking_face:


The PowerPlatform has an opportunity to be the most connected system in the world and if we can get a workable and cost viable solution for various connectors, I don't see a reason why this opportunity has to be shot down. I have been telling people that PowerApps will be to business applications, like what PowerPoint is to presentations. I hope I wasn't wrong.


Dawid van Heerden
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Most Valuable Professional
Most Valuable Professional

I will be honest here. I have created only Apps that use SharePoint as a backend, however that obviously has its limits. The goal was to start using AzureSQL at a later stage with complex business Apps. There are/were plans for an additional 50+ Apps that would replace business processes (complex ones) that would need a proper relational database and would need to not be limited in terms of number of rows (SharePoint I'm looking at you).


I tried working out what it would cost since these Apps will be shared with 600+ staff. On either side of the licensing model (User or App) there is not a chance that I can justify the additional licensing expenses on that to my bosses.


I have now started teaching myself C# again, and will instead ask them for money for courses, as this will be the most cost-effective route for in-house development. At least I can hook into our existing data sources using API's etc without having to pay to make that connection. Plus I can then just use the Graph API to poke anything on the M365 platform, again without additional costs (or at least very minimal costs).


This change makes me really sad, as I had planned to continue my career path down the PowerApps route.

..but I can hear the discussions going on about alternatives already as the licensing costs would end up being an additional 30% of the entire IT budget for the last year - could anyone justify the value being gained as equating to that?


By comparison, we could hire a team of 4 full-time devs and have money to spare for infrastructure costs and training. Management may decide that my role no longer gains them benefits if the licensing cost prevents the plans for future developments along this route (my main concern).


I'll still keep using the platform for seeded-level development (as long as that's not separated out for licensing eventually?) -standalones with sharepoint backend if they aren't expected to generate lots of data - but if I want my career to progress I'm going to have to go back to learning traditional App Dev.

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Sancho Harker, MVP

@Pstork1 wrote:

I've already addresssed this earlier in this thread.  The answer is that Yes, theoretically that would give you 15 grandfathered apps.  It would also be a clear attempt to violate the spirit of the new licensing rules. So I don't recommend it.

Spirit? You think MS has a spirit? Or a soul? They are a greedy multi-billion corporation. I would recommend this practice all day. I'm currently exploring creating an SQL elastic pool with a 100 (or more) idle databases. Then create 100 (or more) empty apps that connects to all those databases. Then I'll be grandfathered for 5 years until I can think of a better alternative.

Not applicable

@iAm_ManCat  This is one of the best posts I have seen on this whole thread and I think it really captures where I am at as well, our business is a little afraid of getting involved in dev ops, and PowerApps was helping massively with that, but now it looks like to get anything real done we will have to rely on suppliers and pay and wait, or push the issue and see if we can get an in-house dev ops team using c# and what not. 


This was a major gap that powerapps totally plugged, and they have just priced themselves out of the gap - with the amount of disatisfied people from this change, it makes it clear that this is the case. 


What would be really cool to see is if all the people who have been let down got together and made their own low code platform (Not proposing, just saying it would be cool and almost unsuprising to see) 

I feel you here.

I have more than 10 years of experience in custom developing on SharePoint and Office 365. I know how to do apps with back-end or front-end technologies. After so many years, I finally got excited about something totally new, and I mean PowerApps and Flow with this. I mean, I'm far beyond citizen developer scope, but I do see the value.

With PowerApps, I'm able to discuss with that type of people, teams, and practices in different organizations that I haven't been able to reach before. They have seen the possibilities of small or medium size apps and service that would digitize their business done with PowerApps or Flow.

Unfortunately, these license changes are now pushing my clients to another direction. I'm also doubting that is it worth of the effort, money, and time to invest my own doing to this platform anymore?

Not applicable

That's exactly it, we have a supplier with a heavily customised SP type portal, and I can imagine it wouldn't be too difficult for them to extend their platform, develop something on par (ish), double or even triple their licence fee and still be 150 - 200K a year cheaper than this scheme. I mean, for real? Also I understand that for dynamics users this is not a big deal cost wise, and fair enough but you could have gone in way cheaper and still would have cleaned up no problems. I am very interested to see where this goes.

@CurtisJohnson81 My hopeful heart is that this will get rectified (more reasonable cost is all I am asking, I'm not even asking for free) and I can keep on with the plan I made and built our whole business model around. However, my cynical, betrayed, heart is not so sure. We are shopping other options very aggressively. 

Advocate II
Advocate II

Regarding Blog:   "New licensing "options" for PowerApps and Microsoft Flow standalone paid plans
...we’re also listening to input about how to license and implement platform capabilities in standalone plans."

Not an option and not listening.

I could kudo probably 99% of the negative posts to Microsoft's new licensing plan.  Does Microsoft even have a metric on what they will lose and hope to gain on this move?

I have (like many others) invested the last two years building a consulting business model centered around PowerApps for clients and I believe it will all be lost once I "have the talk" with my customers.  

PowerApps had (and I mean had!) huge potential for capturing the cloud market on low code platform apps.  It looked to me like Microsoft was investing a lot of time and money into developing and consolidating the Power Platform with Azure,  and the Office 365 and Dynamics markets.  Would I be wrong to say that PowerApps is still not mature enough to warrant any cost to use it instead of other options?  I thought it was going in the right direction and despite some big gaps (printing, document handling, performance, and delegation limitations being a few) I think a lot of people were planning to hang in there hoping for some of those gaps to get filled. 

Existing cost models were fairly "reasonable" as they stood.  For my larger and mid-sized clients (and even smaller ones) I could make an argument that cost to value was acceptable.  Now, the only companies I can imagine going with PowerPlatform are those huge companies that don't even look at their IT budgets.

Citizen Developer looking for other options.



This makes the platform extremely limiting which seems like a terrible business case for MS

Advocate III
Advocate III

Nice work Microsoft, you have truly shot yourself in the foot with this decision. Who do you think are making/using your apps? People with no/small budgets thats who.

Skilled Sharer
Skilled Sharer

Is there written posted verification of SQL grandfathering / grace of sometime. Support is denying that exists to me.

Most Valuable Professional
Most Valuable Professional

For people looking for official notification of the 5 year grandfathering.  Its in the Official Licensing FAQ which you can find here:


Here's an excerpt

How does the change to PowerApps and Microsoft Flow use rights for Office 365 applications affect me? Will my existing PowerApps applications and Microsoft Flow workflows continue to work?

Yes, existing apps and flows will continue to work. Customers who have been using PowerApps or Microsoft Flow with Office 365 using one or more of the connectors listed above will receive a transition period before the connector reclassification goes into effect. This transition period would be until October 1, 2020 or the expiration of their current Office 365 subscription term, whichever is longer. During the transition period customers can continue to create additional apps and flows using these connectors.

In addition, apps and flows created prior to October 1, 2019 which are using these connectors will receive an extended transition period until October 1, 2024. During this time, these qualifying apps and flows will be exempt from the Premium connector licensing requirements for the reclassified connectors.

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Copilot Cookbook Challenge | Week 1 Results | Win Tickets to the Power Platform Conference

We are excited to announce the "The Copilot Cookbook Community Challenge is a great way to showcase your creativity and connect with others. Plus, you could win tickets to the Power Platform Community Conference in Las Vegas in September 2024 as an amazing bonus.   Two ways to enter: 1. Copilot Studio Cookbook Gallery: 2. Power Apps Copilot Cookbook Gallery:   There will be 5 chances to qualify for the final drawing: Early Bird Entries: March 1 - June 2Week 1: June 3 - June 9Week 2: June 10 - June 16Week 3: June 17 - June 23Week 4: June 24 - June 30     At the end of each week, we will draw 5 random names from every user who has posted a qualifying Copilot Studio template, sample or demo in the Copilot Studio Cookbook or a qualifying Power Apps Copilot sample or demo in the Power Apps Copilot Cookbook. Users who are not drawn in a given week will be added to the pool for the next week. Users can qualify more than once, but no more than once per week. Four winners will be drawn at random from the total qualifying entrants. If a winner declines, we will draw again at random for the next winner.  A user will only be able to win once. If they are drawn multiple times, another user will be drawn at random. Prizes:  One Pass to the Power Platform Conference in Las Vegas, Sep. 18-20, 2024 ($1800 value, does not include travel, lodging, or any other expenses) Winners are also eligible to do a 10-minute presentation of their demo or solution in a community solutions showcase at the event. To qualify for the drawing, templates, samples or demos must be related to Copilot Studio or a Copilot feature of Power Apps, Power Automate, or Power Pages, and must demonstrate or solve a complete unique and useful business or technical problem. Power Automate and Power Pagers posts should be added to the Power Apps Cookbook. Final determination of qualifying entries is at the sole discretion of Microsoft. Weekly updates and the Final random winners will be posted in the News & Announcements section in the communities on July 29th, 2024. Did you submit entries early?  Early Bird Entries March 1 - June 2:  If you posted something in the "early bird" time frame complete this form: if you would like to be entered in the challenge.   Week 1 Results:  Congratulations to the Week 1 qualifiers, you are being entered in the random drawing that will take place at the end of the challenge. Copilot Cookbook Gallery:Power Apps Cookbook Gallery:1.  @Mathieu_Paris 1.   @SpongYe 2.  @Dhanush 2.   @Deenuji 3.  n/a3.   @Nived_Nambiar  4.  n/a4.   @ManishSolanki 5.  n/a5.    n/a

Your Moment to Shine: 2024 PPCC’s Got Power Awards Show

For the third year, we invite you, our talented community members, to participate in the grand 2024 Power Platform Community Conference's Got Power Awards. This event is your opportunity to showcase solutions that make a significant business impact, highlight extensive use of Power Platform products, demonstrate good governance, or tell an inspirational story. Share your success stories, inspire your peers, and show off some hidden talents.  This is your time to shine and bring your creations into the spotlight!  Make your mark, inspire others and leave a lasting impression. Sign up today for a chance to showcase your solution and win the coveted 2024 PPCC’s Got Power Award. This year we have three categories for you to participate in: Technical Solution Demo, Storytelling, and Hidden Talent.      The Technical solution demo category showcases your applications, automated workflows, copilot agentic experiences, web pages, AI capabilities, dashboards, and/or more. We want to see your most impactful Power Platform solutions!  The Storytelling category is where you can share your inspiring story, and the Hidden Talent category is where your talents (such as singing, dancing, jump roping, etc.) can shine! Submission Details:  Fill out the submission form by July 12th with details and a 2–5-minute video showcasing your Solution impact. (Please let us know you're coming to PPCC, too!)After review by a panel of Microsoft judges, the top storytellers will be invited to present a virtual demo presentation to the judges during early August. You’ll be notified soon after if you have been selected as a finalist to share your story live at PPCC’s Got Power!  The live show will feature the solution demos and storytelling talents of the top contestants, winner announcements, and the opportunity to network with your community.  It's not just a showcase for technical talent and storytelling showmanship, show it's a golden opportunity to make connections and celebrate our Community together! Let's make this a memorable event! See you there!   Mark your calendars! Date and Time: Thursday, Sept 19th Location: PPCC24 at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas, NV 

Tuesday Tip | Accepting Solutions

It's time for another TUESDAY TIPS, your weekly connection with the most insightful tips and tricks that empower both newcomers and veterans in the Power Platform Community! Every Tuesday, we bring you a curated selection of the finest advice, distilled from the resources and tools in the Community. Whether you’re a seasoned member or just getting started, Tuesday Tips are the perfect compass guiding you across the dynamic landscape of the Power Platform Community.   To enhance our collaborative environment, it's important to acknowledge when your question has been answered satisfactorily. Here's a quick guide on how to accept a solution to your questions: Find the Helpful Reply: Navigate to the reply that has effectively answered your question.Accept as Solution: Look for the "Accept as Solution" button or link, usually located at the bottom of the reply.Confirm Your Selection: Clicking this button may prompt you for confirmation. Go ahead and confirm that this is indeed the solution.Acknowledgment: Once accepted, the reply will be highlighted, and the original post will be marked as "Solved". This helps other community members find the same solution quickly. By marking a reply as an accepted solution, you not only thank the person who helped you but also make it easier for others with similar questions to find answers. Let's continue to support each other by recognizing helpful contributions. 

Reminder: To register for the Community Ambassador Call on June 13th

Calling all Super Users & User Group Leaders   Reminder: To register for the Community Ambassador Call on June 13th—for an exclusive event for User Group Leaders and Super Users! This month is packed with exciting updates and activities within our community.   What's Happening: Community Updates: We'll share the latest developments and what's new in our vibrant community.Special Guest Speaker: Get ready for an insightful talk and live demo of Microsoft Copilot Studio templates by our special guest.Regular Updates: Stay informed with our routine updates for User Groups and Super Users.Community Insights: We'll provide general information about ongoing and upcoming community initiatives. Don't Miss Out: Register Now: Choose the session that fits your schedule best.Check your private messages or Super User Forum for registration links. We're excited to connect with you and continue building a stronger community together.   See you at the call!  

Tuesday Tip | How to Provide Feedback

It's time for another TUESDAY TIPS, your weekly connection with the most insightful tips and tricks that empower both newcomers and veterans in the Power Platform Community! Every Tuesday, we bring you a curated selection of the finest advice, distilled from the resources and tools in the Community. Whether you’re a seasoned member or just getting started, Tuesday Tips are the perfect compass guiding you across the dynamic landscape of the Power Platform Community.   We are always looking to improve your experience on our community platform, and your feedback is invaluable to us. Whether it's a suggestion for a new feature, an idea to enhance the platform, or a concern you'd like to address, we want to hear from you!   How to Share Your Feedback: Each of our communities has its own Feedback forum where the Community Managers can assist you directly in.  ●  Power Apps  ● Power Automate   ● Power Pages   ● Copilot Studio   We also have many articles on community account FAQs, or how to navigate the community, which can be found below.   Community Accounts & Registration:   Using the Community:   Our Commitment to You: We are committed to creating a collaborative and supportive environment. All feedback is reviewed by our community managers, and we strive to implement changes that will benefit all members.   Thank you for being a part of our community. Your contributions help us grow and improve together!

May 2024 Community Newsletter

It's time for the May Community Newsletter, where we highlight the latest news, product releases, upcoming events, and the amazing work of our outstanding Community members.   If you're new to the Community, please make sure to follow the latest News & Announcements and check out the Community on LinkedIn as well! It's the best way to stay up-to-date with all the news from across Microsoft Power Platform and beyond.        COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTS Check out the most active community members of the last month! These hardworking members are posting regularly, answering questions, kudos, and providing top solutions in their communities. We are so thankful for each of you--keep up the great work! If you hope to see your name here next month, follow these awesome community members to see what they do!   Power AppsPower AutomateCopilot StudioPower PagesWarrenBelzcreativeopinionExpiscornovusFubarAmikNived_NambiarPstork1OliverRodriguesmmbr1606ManishSolankiMattJimisonragavanrajantimlSudeepGhatakNZrenatoromaoLucas001iAm_ManCatAlexEncodianfernandosilvaOOlashynJmanriqueriosChriddle  BCBuizerExpiscornovus  a33ikBCBuizer  SebSDavid_MA  dpoggermannPstork1     LATEST NEWS   We saw a whole host of amazing announcements at this year's #MSBuild, so we thought we'd share with you a bite sized breakdown of the big news via blogs from Charles Lamanna, Sangya Singh, Ryan Cunningham, Kim Manis, Nirav Shah, Omar Aftab, and ✊🏾Justin Graham :   New ways of development with copilots and Microsoft Power PlatformRevolutionize the way you work with Automation and AIPower Apps is making it easier for developers to build with Microsoft Copilot and each otherCopilot in Microsoft Fabric is now generally available in Power BIUnlock new levels of productivity with Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Copilot StudioMicrosoft Copilot Studio: Building copilots with agent capabilitiesMicrosoft Power Pages is bringing the new standard in secure, AI-powered capabilities   If you'd like to relive some of the highlights from Microsoft Build 2024, click the image below to watch a great selection of on-demand Keynotes and sessions!         WorkLab Podcast with Charles Lamanna   Check out the latest episode of the WorkLab podcast with CVP of Business Apps and Platforms at Microsoft, Charles Lamanna, as he explains the ever-expanding evolution of Copilot, and how AI is offering new opportunities for business leaders. Grab yourself a coffee and click the image below to take a listen.       Event Recap: European Collaboration and Cloud Summits 2024   Click the image below to read a great recap by Mark Kashman about the recent European Collaboration Summit and European Cloud Summit held in Germany during May 2024. Great work everybody!       UPCOMING EVENTS European Power Platform Conference - SOLD OUT! Congrats to everyone who managed to grab a ticket for the now SOLD OUT European Power Platform Conference, which takes place in beautiful Brussels, Belgium, on 11-13th June. With a great keynote planned from Ryan Cunningham and Sangya Singh, plus expert sessions from the likes of Aaron Rendell, Amira Beldjilali, Andrew Bibby, Angeliki Patsiavou, Ben den Blanken, Cathrine Bruvold, Charles Sexton, Chloé Moreau, Chris Huntingford, Claire Edgson, Damien Bird, Emma-Claire Shaw, Gilles Pommier, Guro Faller, Henry Jammes, Hugo Bernier, Ilya Fainberg, Karen Maes, Lindsay Shelton, Mats Necker, Negar Shahbaz, Nick Doelman, Paulien Buskens, Sara Lagerquist, Tricia Sinclair, Ulrikke Akerbæk, and many more, it looks like the E in #EPPC24 stands for Epic!   Click the image below for a full run down of the exciting sessions planned, and remember, you'll need to move quickly for tickets to next year's event!       AI Community Conference - New York - Friday 21st June Check out the AI Community Conference, which takes place at the Microsoft Corporate building on Friday 21st June at 11 Times Square in New York City. Here, you'll have the opportunity to explore the latest trends and breakthroughs in AI technology alongside fellow enthusiasts and experts, with speakers on the day including Arik Kalininsky, Sherry Xu, Xinran Ma, Jared Matfess, Mihail Mateev, Andrei Khaidarov, Ruven Gotz, Nick Brattoli, Amit Vasu, and more. So, whether you're a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey into AI, click the image below to find out more about this exciting NYC event.       TechCon365 & Power Platform Conference - D.C. - August 12-16th ** EARLY BIRD TICKETS END MAY 31ST! ** Today's the perfect time to grab those early bird tickets for the D.C. TechCon365 & PWRCON Conference at the Walter E Washington Center on August 12-16th! Featuring the likes of Tamara Bredemus, Sunny Eltepu, Lindsay Shelton, Brian Alderman, Daniel Glenn, Julie Turner, Jim Novak, Laura Rogers, Microsoft MVP, John White, Jason Himmelstein, Luc Labelle, Emily Mancini, MVP, UXMC, Fabian Williams, Emma Wiehe, Amarender Peddamalku, and many more, this is the perfect event for those that want to gain invaluable insights from industry experts. Click the image below to grab your tickets today!         Power Platform Community Conference - Sept. 18-20th 2024 Check out some of the sessions already planned for the Power Platform Community Conference in Las Vegas this September. Holding all the aces we have Kristine Kolodziejski, Lisa Crosbie, Daniel Christian, Dian Taylor, Scott Durow🌈, David Yack, Michael O. and Aiden Kaskela, who will be joining the #MicrosoftCommunity for a series of high-stakes sessions! Click the image below to find out more as we go ALL-IN at #PPCC24!       For more events, click the image below to visit the Community Days website.    

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