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How to Setup 1 bot for IT/HR/Operation department

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Hello Copilot Community,

Seeking your advice on a query I have regarding Power Virtual Agents.

I'm currently in the planning stages of creating chatbots for IT, HR, and Operations within Power Virtual Agent. Considering the distinct nature of these domains, I'm contemplating the idea of having three separate chatbots rather than stacking all the information in a single bot. My intention is to provide users with a more tailored and efficient experience based on their specific needs.

Now, my question is: Is it possible to connect these three chatbots to each other within Power Virtual Agent? My goal is to allow users to seamlessly transition between the IT, HR, and Operations chatbots based on their selection, ensuring a more focused interaction.

I would greatly appreciate your insights on this matter. If you have any recommendations or guidance on how best to achieve this integration, I'd be eager to hear your thoughts.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. Looking forward to your response.

  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: How to Setup 1 bot for IT/HR/Operation department

    Hi @imcris009,


    Multi-bot architectures are not a recommended pattern today. In the past, these architectures have led to many intent recognition issues and orchestration complexity. This is why, at this time, Copilot Studio to Copilot Studio integration is NOT planned.


    Asks for multi-bot architecture capabilities have often been organization-driven, with different teams being responsible for different areas of what a bot should be handle. The issue is that these teams, working in silos, often introduce ambiguity in the natural language understanding (NLU) model, for example by all creating topics such as "ticket status" that could equally be about an IT or HR support request. In that case, the parent bot wouldn't know what child bot intent to trigger, etc.


    I'm guessing it is similar here for a unified HR, IT, Operation bot. To address these organizational challenges, we're instead looking to improve our authoring and ALM capabilities to better handle scenarios where multiple development teams work on the same bot. To help us with prioritization, please upvote and share your business requirements on these feature requests:

    Now, that said, to support legacy or hybrid scenarios, a Copilot Studio bot can call a Bot Framework skill, and a Bot Framework or SDK bot can call Copilot Studio bot as a skill (works in the classic version only today, but this should be soon available in the latest version). 


    If you can't have all teams work on the same bot, you may have to consider managing this on the client side. I.e. if your bots are published on a web page, you could have a single chatbot widget that loads the right bot based on an initial user selection. I.e. before starting the conversation, show buttons asking if the conversation is about IT, HR or Operation, and then once an option is selected, start the conversation by pointing to the right bot.



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