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Manual authentication error when exporting Copilot Studio Chatbot to another environment

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Hi, This is the first time I have created a Copilto Studio Chatbot and I need to export it to another environment for testing, but I am presenting this error, I hope you can help me please: 

I have configured manual authentication in a chatbot, and it works correctly in my development environment, however, when exporting it within a managed solution and importing it into another environment for testing, I get this error code "AuthenticationNotConfigured" despite I have already configured manual authentication again with the same credentials that I used in the previous environment. I have even created a new application registration and it doesn't work either:



Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Kushki_OB Profile Picture
    Kushki_OB on at
    Re: Manual authentication error when exporting Copilot Studio Chatbot to another environment

    Hi @BoroonMahanta, what worked for us is exporting the Chatbot as a unmanaged solution, then disabling authentication and publishing the bot. After a few minutes (verifying that the changes are reflected in the demo site), we reconfigured manual authentication and published the bot again (make sure to mark the "Require sign in" checkbox again). In our case, we have to reupload the files used in the "Generative AI" module for it to work correctly, since initially we were not receiving responses in conversations that use generative AI answers. I hope this also solves your problem for now, but I think this error should be corrected by Microsoft. 

  • ManikandanS Profile Picture
    ManikandanS on at
    Re: Manual authentication error when exporting Copilot Studio Chatbot to another environment

    @BoroonMahanta - Please follow the steps mentioned in this forum and see everything handled on your end as well.



  • Re: Manual authentication error when exporting Copilot Studio Chatbot to another environment

    This was done @ManikandanS  - it still throws the same authentication error.

  • ManikandanS Profile Picture
    ManikandanS on at
    Re: Manual authentication error when exporting Copilot Studio Chatbot to another environment

    Hello @Kushki_OB ,

    When you import bot from one environment to another, the bot will get new bot id and the environment also different. So try to repeat authentication steps from this new environment as well and see it works.


  • Re: Manual authentication error when exporting Copilot Studio Chatbot to another environment

    Same error for our implementation - is there a solution?

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