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Helper III
Helper III

Create a task in planner, once an email is moved to a folder in outlook

I've created a flow which is triggered, once a mail is moved to a certain folder in outlook.
After that, I creates a task in MS Planner.


I only have the problem, that it creates one task per mail, but I need it to create as many tasks as receivers of the mail and assign it directly to the receivers one by one.

This is my expression for the compose action:


This is for the apply to each:


Thank you in advance.

Super User
Super User

@Lina_Ju The logic of your flow needs to be adjusted. Take a look at your Apply to Each action. You are loop through each item returned from the Filter Array action. 



You are using the Filter Array action to filter out the buckets that match the names of the recipients of the email. 


Each time your Apply to Each action loops through an item in the Filter Array action, it'll create a task.



Manual Trigger

Any time I'm building a flow that involves the When a new email arrives trigger—I like to create a manually triggered flow for testing. This speeds up the flow building process so I don't need to leave Power Automate, compose an email just to trigger the flow.


You can get the Message ID from a flow run by inserting the Message ID dynamic content into a Compose action and sending yourself an email. 


Alternatively, you can get the message id from a previous flow run by clicking on Click to Download in the Outputs of your flow trigger.



Search for "id", and highlight the id between the double quote marks and copy that to your clipboard.




A compose action is optional as you can insert the Message ID directly into the Message ID field of the Get Email (V2) action. However, I prefer to use a Compose action. 



Get Array of Email Addresses

The output of the recipient dynamic content from the Get Email action is a string of email addresses. Each email address is separated by a semi-colon. 


To return the email addresses in an array (which you can then loop through) you will need to use an expression. Add a Compose action an insert an expression. Use the split() function. The split() function takes two parameters:

split([string of text],[separator])


Click on the dynamic content tab and insert the To dynamic content into the split() function. 


Add a comma and a semi-colon between the single quotes.



Run a test. Review the outputs of the Compose action. The string of email addresses should now appear as an array.



********************ADDED INSTRUCTIONS********************

Loop through Each Email Address

You need to loop through the array of email addresses from above. Add an Apply to Each action. 


Insert the output from the Compose action above that contains the recipient array. This Apply to Each action will loop through each email address (from the Compose action above). The Apply to Each action requires an array of items to loop through. 



Add a Compose action. This action is optional, however I like to use Compose actions to help troubleshoot. It can also help you to better understand your flow as you are building it. You'll use this Compose action to return the firstname.lastname from the email address.


Add an expression and insert the split() function. The split() function takes two parameters:

split([string of text to split],[separator to split at])



Enter the item() function. This will return the current item you are looping through (aka the email address). Add a comma.



Between single quotes, enter the @ symbol.



Press OK and run a test. Review the outputs. The split() function will split your string of text (the email address) at the separator (the @ symbol) into an array of items.


Since you want to only return the first item in the array (firstname.lastname) in your case, you'l need to adjust the expression. 


Click on the expression to edit it. Wrap the entire expression in the first() function. Don't forget to press Update.



Run another test. Review the outputs. The Compose action should now output the first part of the email address (before the @ symbol)



To learn more about the Apply to Each action—check out this YT Tutorial: 3 Mistakes YOU 🫵 are Making with the Apply to Each Action in your Microsoft Power Automate Flow


Filter Out Bucket

Add a Filter Array action. Now you can use the Filter Array action to filter out the bucket. For more info on the Filter Array action—check out this YT Tutorial: Are you using the Microsoft Power Automate Filter Array Action wrong?



Create Item

The Filter Array will return an array of items — even if it's a single item. To prevent another Apply to Each action from being automatically added to your flow when you try to access the Bucket ID, you'll need an expression. Without an expression your Create Item Action will nest itself inside an Apply to Each action—which isn't want you want.



Hover over the Id label—take note of the text between the square brackets and single quotes. This is the dynamic content key for the bucket id. Important: It is case sensitive.



Remove the ID dynamic content from the bucket id field and pull the Create a task action outside of the Apply to Each action (that was automatically added). Delete the Apply to Each action that was automatically added.



In the Create a Task action, insert an expression into the Bucket Id field. Start off with:


The Filter Array action will only ever return a single item (single bucket for each recipient)—the zero in the expression above indicates you'd like to return the first item in the array. The text between the square bracket indicates you want to return the bucket id. 


Place your cursor at the start of the expression by pressing the UP arrow key. Click on the dynamic content tab and insert the body dynamic content from the Filter Array action.



Fill out the rest of the fields in the action. Keep in mind, if you are adding multiple email addresses to the Assigned User Ids (as you did in your original flow) you need to separate each by a semi-colon.


Also, because you want to assign the task to each recipient, you cannot use the To dynamic content as this contains all recipients. You need to use the Current Item dynamic content (aka the email address).


If you want to assign the sender as well (which is what it looked like you were trying to do, don't forget to add a semi-colon.





Can you clarify what you want your flow to do? Do you want to create one task and assign all users to the one task? Or do you want to create a task for each recipient (all with the same details)?




In the meantime you might find these Planner YT Tutorials helpful: 

️Automate Microsoft Planner Tasks: Create Tasks from SharePoint & Excel in Minutes


Do you want to quickly create tasks in Microsoft Planner from a SharePoint list or an Excel table? In this Microsoft Power Automate tutorial I’ll show you how to build a flow that will:

️ Create a task in Planner for each of your SharePoint list items

️ Create a flow that will trigger each time a new SharePoint list item is created

️ Create a tasks in Planner from an Excel Table

️ Add a description to your tasks



  How to bulk create Planner tasks from a SharePoint List

  How to use the Get Items action with a filter query

  Tips on creating a fast flow while building and testing

  How to create a string of email addresses from a multi-person choice column

  How to dynamically select a bucket in the Create a Task action

  How to use the Filter Array action

  How to use the Condition action

  How to use the Create a Task action

  How to automatically create a Planner task when a new SharePoint list item is created

  How to bulk create Planner tasks from an Excel Table

  How to add a task description to a Planner Task




How to Email Attachments 🖇 to Your Planner Tasks

When you add attachments to a Planner task from your computer, the files are automatically saved in the Documents document library of the SharePoint site associated with the M365 Group of your plan. Instead of downloading email attachments to OneDrive or SharePoint just so you can add them to a Planner Task—automate it.


In this Microsoft Power Automate Tutorial—I’m going to show you how build a flow that will take your email attachments and add them to a Planner task. All you need to do is copy a link to a task, forward the email to yourself and the attachments will be saved onto SharePoint and attached to your planner task. Stay tuned till the end of the video where I’ll show you how to use Trigger Conditions so this automation only runs when specific conditions are met!



 How to get the Message ID from an Email

 How to use the Get an Email (V2) action with a Manual Trigger

 How to use the split() function to split an email subject line

 How to use the Scope action to group your actions

 How to create a folder for email attachments on SharePoint

 How to use the Get Attachment (V2) action

 How to create attachment files in SharePoint

 How to use the Append to Array variable action to collect attachments

 How to add multiple attachments to a Planner Task

 How to switch a manual trigger to an automated trigger

 How to use Trigger Conditions in a when a New Email Arrives Trigger

 How to trigger your flow when only specific emails arrive


Hope this helps!

If I helped you solve your problem—please mark my post as a solution .
Consider giving me a 👍 if you liked my response!

👉 Level up your Power Automate skills by checking out my tutorials on YouTube
👉 Tips and Tricks on TikTok and Instagram

Dear @creativeopinion,

thank you for your answer. I want to create as many tasks as recipients in the email. This can vary from mail to mail. The tasks should always look the same for each person per Mail. Best case I want to automatically assign the tasks in planner to the recipients.
Thank you!

@Lina_Ju Can you provide insight to this action you had in your original flow? 



@creativeopinion, sure this is the action I am using: 

split(items('Apply_to_each'), '@')[0]

@Lina_Ju Sorry can you please provide more clarity on the names of your bucket? From what I can gather, from your original flow you had the Filter Array nested inside the Apply to Each action which was intended to loop through each recipient. 


It would appear as if you are trying to use the Filter Array action to filter out your buckets by recipient. However, in your original flow I believe you were looping through each Recipient's email address. I need clarity on how your Planner is set up. Do you have a bucket for each recipient? Is each bucket name the email address of each recipient?


The more insights you can share—the easier it is to provide recommendations.


Helper III
Helper III

Dear @creativeopinion,
Yes, I have different buckets for each recipient, titled with "firstname.lastname" (as in the e-mail).

Helper III
Helper III

Dear @creativeopinion
do you have any idea on how to solve this?
Thank you!

Helper III
Helper III

for more insights, this is the error I receive:



@Lina_Ju I've updated the original post with additional instructions based on your most recent info. Hope this helps!

Helper III
Helper III

Dear @creativeopinion,
thank you so much. The flow runs through smoothly, but sadly the task does not get created.



@Lina_Ju The reason the task isn't being created is most likely because the Filter Array action isn't returning any items. You'll need to troubleshoot this step of your flow.


To do that you need to confirm if in fact the name of the buck matches the Compose action above. When using the is equals to operator.. you need an exact match.



Helper III
Helper III

Dear @creativeopinion,

this is the compose action:


The name of the single buckets in the planner is firstname.lastname

@Lina_Ju When you run a test what is the output of the Compose action? You need to review the output and compare it to the name of the buckets in your planner. 


If the Filter Array finds a bucket with a matching name, it'll appear in the Outputs of the Filter Array action.


If the output displays a [] this means no matching bucket was found. You'll need to scroll through the Inputs of the Filter Array action and review the names to see where the discrepancy is.


Helper III
Helper III

Dear @creativeopinion,


The output shows [] but the bucket is called exactly like the name in the output.

@Lina_Ju As mentioned previously, the values entered into the Filter Array action are case sensitive. You'll need to ensure the values match in case. If you aren't sure how to do this—please refer to this section of my YT Tutorial. 


Hope this helps!

If I helped you solve your problem—please mark my post as a solution .
Consider giving me a 👍 if you liked my response!

👉 Level up your Power Automate skills by checking out my tutorials on YouTube
👉 Tips and Tricks on TikTok and Instagram


Helper III
Helper III

Dear @creativeopinion,
I've checked it and changed it accordingly, but the task still cannot be created:



@Lina_Ju You have an extra Apply to Each action here which isn't required. 


Also, the Assigned to User IDs should be a string of email addresses. This isn't what you have here.


Please refer to the Create Item instructions in my original post above.


Helper III
Helper III

Dear @creativeopinion,
I tried to do this upfront, but the expression is invalid, when I want to apply it:



@Lina_Ju That's odd. Can you try to put the expression into a Compose action above the Create a task action? If that works, then you can insert the output of the Compose action into the Bucket ID field.

Helpful resources


Copilot Cookbook Challenge | Win Tickets to the Power Platform Conference

We are excited to announce the "The Copilot Cookbook Community Challenge is a great way to showcase your creativity and connect with others. Plus, you could win tickets to the Power Platform Community Conference in Las Vegas in September 2024 as an amazing bonus.   Two ways to enter: 1. Copilot Studio: 2. Power Apps Copilot Cookbook Gallery:   There will be 5 chances to qualify for the final drawing: Early Bird Entries: March 1 - June 2Week 1: June 3 - June 9Week 2: June 10 - June 16Week 3: June 17 - June 23Week 4: June 24 - June 30     At the end of each week, we will draw 5 random names from every user who has posted a qualifying Copilot Studio template, sample or demo in the Copilot Studio Cookbook or a qualifying Power Apps Copilot sample or demo in the Power Apps Copilot Cookbook. Users who are not drawn in a given week will be added to the pool for the next week. Users can qualify more than once, but no more than once per week. Four winners will be drawn at random from the total qualifying entrants. If a winner declines, we will draw again at random for the next winner.  A user will only be able to win once. If they are drawn multiple times, another user will be drawn at random. Prizes:  One Pass to the Power Platform Conference in Las Vegas, Sep. 18-20, 2024 ($1800 value, does not include travel, lodging, or any other expenses) Winners are also eligible to do a 10-minute presentation of their demo or solution in a community solutions showcase at the event. To qualify for the drawing, templates, samples or demos must be related to Copilot Studio or a Copilot feature of Power Apps, Power Automate, or Power Pages, and must demonstrate or solve a complete unique and useful business or technical problem. Power Automate and Power Pagers posts should be added to the Power Apps Cookbook. Final determination of qualifying entries is at the sole discretion of Microsoft. Weekly updates and the Final random winners will be posted in the News & Announcements section in the communities on July 29th, 2024. Did you submit entries early?  Early Bird Entries March 1 - June 2:  If you posted something in the "early bird" time frame complete this form: if you would like to be entered in the challenge.

May 2024 Community Newsletter

It's time for the May Community Newsletter, where we highlight the latest news, product releases, upcoming events, and the amazing work of our outstanding Community members.   If you're new to the Community, please make sure to follow the latest News & Announcements and check out the Community on LinkedIn as well! It's the best way to stay up-to-date with all the news from across Microsoft Power Platform and beyond.        COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTS Check out the most active community members of the last month! These hardworking members are posting regularly, answering questions, kudos, and providing top solutions in their communities. We are so thankful for each of you--keep up the great work! If you hope to see your name here next month, follow these awesome community members to see what they do!   Power AppsPower AutomateCopilot StudioPower PagesWarrenBelzcreativeopinionExpiscornovusFubarAmikNived_NambiarPstork1OliverRodriguesmmbr1606ManishSolankiMattJimisonragavanrajantimlSudeepGhatakNZrenatoromaoLucas001iAm_ManCatAlexEncodianfernandosilvaOOlashynJmanriqueriosChriddle  BCBuizerExpiscornovus  a33ikBCBuizer  SebSDavid_MA  dpoggermannPstork1     LATEST NEWS   We saw a whole host of amazing announcements at this year's #MSBuild, so we thought we'd share with you a bite sized breakdown of the big news via blogs from Charles Lamanna, Sangya Singh, Ryan Cunningham, Kim Manis, Nirav Shah, Omar Aftab, and ✊🏾Justin Graham :   New ways of development with copilots and Microsoft Power PlatformRevolutionize the way you work with Automation and AIPower Apps is making it easier for developers to build with Microsoft Copilot and each otherCopilot in Microsoft Fabric is now generally available in Power BIUnlock new levels of productivity with Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Copilot StudioMicrosoft Copilot Studio: Building copilots with agent capabilitiesMicrosoft Power Pages is bringing the new standard in secure, AI-powered capabilities   If you'd like to relive some of the highlights from Microsoft Build 2024, click the image below to watch a great selection of on-demand Keynotes and sessions!         WorkLab Podcast with Charles Lamanna   Check out the latest episode of the WorkLab podcast with CVP of Business Apps and Platforms at Microsoft, Charles Lamanna, as he explains the ever-expanding evolution of Copilot, and how AI is offering new opportunities for business leaders. Grab yourself a coffee and click the image below to take a listen.       Event Recap: European Collaboration and Cloud Summits 2024   Click the image below to read a great recap by Mark Kashman about the recent European Collaboration Summit and European Cloud Summit held in Germany during May 2024. Great work everybody!       UPCOMING EVENTS European Power Platform Conference - SOLD OUT! Congrats to everyone who managed to grab a ticket for the now SOLD OUT European Power Platform Conference, which takes place in beautiful Brussels, Belgium, on 11-13th June. With a great keynote planned from Ryan Cunningham and Sangya Singh, plus expert sessions from the likes of Aaron Rendell, Amira Beldjilali, Andrew Bibby, Angeliki Patsiavou, Ben den Blanken, Cathrine Bruvold, Charles Sexton, Chloé Moreau, Chris Huntingford, Claire Edgson, Damien Bird, Emma-Claire Shaw, Gilles Pommier, Guro Faller, Henry Jammes, Hugo Bernier, Ilya Fainberg, Karen Maes, Lindsay Shelton, Mats Necker, Negar Shahbaz, Nick Doelman, Paulien Buskens, Sara Lagerquist, Tricia Sinclair, Ulrikke Akerbæk, and many more, it looks like the E in #EPPC24 stands for Epic!   Click the image below for a full run down of the exciting sessions planned, and remember, you'll need to move quickly for tickets to next year's event!       AI Community Conference - New York - Friday 21st June Check out the AI Community Conference, which takes place at the Microsoft Corporate building on Friday 21st June at 11 Times Square in New York City. Here, you'll have the opportunity to explore the latest trends and breakthroughs in AI technology alongside fellow enthusiasts and experts, with speakers on the day including Arik Kalininsky, Sherry Xu, Xinran Ma, Jared Matfess, Mihail Mateev, Andrei Khaidarov, Ruven Gotz, Nick Brattoli, Amit Vasu, and more. So, whether you're a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey into AI, click the image below to find out more about this exciting NYC event.       TechCon365 & Power Platform Conference - D.C. - August 12-16th ** EARLY BIRD TICKETS END MAY 31ST! ** Today's the perfect time to grab those early bird tickets for the D.C. TechCon365 & PWRCON Conference at the Walter E Washington Center on August 12-16th! Featuring the likes of Tamara Bredemus, Sunny Eltepu, Lindsay Shelton, Brian Alderman, Daniel Glenn, Julie Turner, Jim Novak, Laura Rogers, Microsoft MVP, John White, Jason Himmelstein, Luc Labelle, Emily Mancini, MVP, UXMC, Fabian Williams, Emma Wiehe, Amarender Peddamalku, and many more, this is the perfect event for those that want to gain invaluable insights from industry experts. Click the image below to grab your tickets today!         Power Platform Community Conference - Sept. 18-20th 2024 Check out some of the sessions already planned for the Power Platform Community Conference in Las Vegas this September. Holding all the aces we have Kristine Kolodziejski, Lisa Crosbie, Daniel Christian, Dian Taylor, Scott Durow🌈, David Yack, Michael O. and Aiden Kaskela, who will be joining the #MicrosoftCommunity for a series of high-stakes sessions! Click the image below to find out more as we go ALL-IN at #PPCC24!       For more events, click the image below to visit the Community Days website.    

Celebrating the May Super User of the Month: Laurens Martens

  @LaurensM  is an exceptional contributor to the Power Platform Community. Super Users like Laurens inspire others through their example, encouragement, and active participation. We are excited to celebrated Laurens as our Super User of the Month for May 2024.   Consistent Engagement:  He consistently engages with the community by answering forum questions, sharing insights, and providing solutions. Laurens dedication helps other users find answers and overcome challenges.   Community Expertise: As a Super User, Laurens plays a crucial role in maintaining a knowledge sharing environment. Always ensuring a positive experience for everyone.   Leadership: He shares valuable insights on community growth, engagement, and future trends. Their contributions help shape the Power Platform Community.   Congratulations, Laurens Martens, for your outstanding work! Keep inspiring others and making a difference in the community!   Keep up the fantastic work!        

Check out the Copilot Studio Cookbook today!

We are excited to announce our new Copilot Cookbook Gallery in the Copilot Studio Community. We can't wait for you to share your expertise and your experience!    Join us for an amazing opportunity where you'll be one of the first to contribute to the Copilot Cookbook—your ultimate guide to mastering Microsoft Copilot. Whether you're seeking inspiration or grappling with a challenge while crafting apps, you probably already know that Copilot Cookbook is your reliable assistant, offering a wealth of tips and tricks at your fingertips--and we want you to add your expertise. What can you "cook" up?   Click this link to get started:   Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to be one of the first in the Community to share your app creation journey with Copilot. We'll be announcing a Cookbook Challenge very soon and want to make sure you one of the first "cooks" in the kitchen.   Don't miss your moment--start submitting in the Copilot Cookbook Gallery today!     Thank you,  Engagement Team

Announcing Power Apps Copilot Cookbook Gallery

We are excited to share that the all-new Copilot Cookbook Gallery for Power Apps is now available in the Power Apps Community, full of tips and tricks on how to best use Microsoft Copilot as you develop and create in Power Apps. The new Copilot Cookbook is your go-to resource when you need inspiration--or when you're stuck--and aren't sure how to best partner with Copilot while creating apps.   Whether you're looking for the best prompts or just want to know about responsible AI use, visit Copilot Cookbook for regular updates you can rely on--while also serving up some of your greatest tips and tricks for the Community. Check Out the new Copilot Cookbook for Power Apps today: Copilot Cookbook - Power Platform Community.  We can't wait to see what you "cook" up!    

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