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Helper II
Helper II

Substitute multiple "words" in one string

Im trying to find a way to replace mutliple words in one string.

For example I have a list with words that I want to replace with "***" in a string, if i had only one replace argument then I could simply use Substitute( "MyString etc and so on", "etc", "***" ). However to replace all words in the string from the list I have to loop throu the list and do "the replace action". 

So for I havent found a solution for this, any one that have any solution? 


My main goal is to change mutliple words in one string dynamically. For example:
Input: "This is my source string"
Output: "This **** my **** string"


@WarrenBelz, no worries I appreciate your time and effort!


So in that formula, you have your ForAll backward and are not capturing any of the results of it.  ForAll is a function that creates a table of records based on your second parameter to your ForAll.  It is not a ForLoop function like in a development platform.


So, your ForAll will be returning a table with a single column called Value that would have all the results of your Substitute in it.  You can assign that to a variable to use.  I would avoid collections as they are not needed in this case, and they are more difficult to maintain in an app (just try searching for where you define a collection and places where you update it!)  You're not going to be doing any other add/remove/edit functions on those results, so not needed.


So, I do this *almost* exact thing in a generic templating component.  But that one assumes pre-entered "keys" to replace.  So, getting your string back with out all the nasty substitute nesting I can get you, but where I am not are you determining sensitive information?


As I see it, if you wanted to do full substitution on the GDPRContent and that is just a list of semicolon separated values, then the following would do what you need.


With({_redact: "********"};

    Split(varGdprLeadNote.GDPRContent; ";");

        IsMatch(Result; Email); _redact;

        // Phone number
        IsMatch(Result; <phoneRegEx>); _redact;

        // etc..
        "BloodType" in Result; _redact;

        // otherwise, no need to redact, just return


This would return a text value with all the sensitive information replaced.


Putting in context with your original post...

Input : "This is my source string"


With({_redact: "***"};

    Split("This is my source string"; " ");

        Result = "is"; _redact;

        // Source
        Result = "source"; _redact;

        // otherwise, no need to redact, just return
    ) & " "


This would produce a result of:  "This **** my **** string"


I hope this is helpful for you.


EDIT: found syntax issue in above formula...corrected.

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NOTE: My normal response times will be Mon to Fri from 1 PM to 10 PM UTC (and lots of other times too!)
Check out my PowerApps Videos too! And, follow me on Twitter @RandyHayes

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Thank you for that explanation it was very helpful and it gave me some ides! However splitting the string with " " and then look for matches did not work. For example , if the string contains a phone number " 999 123 45 67", if you split by " " the string wouldn't be a phone number any more.

I think I might have to re-think and redact the whole record instead of redacting sub-strings!

Super User
Super User

Well, I was taking it from the perspective of the example you gave in message #13 where you mentioned that the keywords in GDPRContent were separated with the semicolon.

Then you mentioned that you wanted to replace NotesHtmlText with the new string where all the keywords in GDPRContent are replaced with "****". that the key point of your issue?  That you want to take all of the keywords in the GDPRContent column and then replace any of those keywords found in the NotesHtmlText with "****", or is it the GDPRContent column that you want to "redact"?  

Sorry if I misunderstood - I did come into this a little late in the message chain.  

So please clarify and then I can provide a solution for that one too.

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NOTE: My normal response times will be Mon to Fri from 1 PM to 10 PM UTC (and lots of other times too!)
Check out my PowerApps Videos too! And, follow me on Twitter @RandyHayes

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Hi @RandyHayes 
Okay I understand, i guess my explanation gets lost in translation. Its always a challenge to explain something in an other language 🙂

To clarify:

The, GDPRContent semicolon separated string, contains the words that i want to find and replace in NotesHtmlText, so yes its the NotesHtmlText column i want to redact.


For example:
GDPRContent = "test; string"
NotesHtmlText = "This is my test html string"

For all "words"  in GDPRContent i want to identify and replace in NotesHtmlText. This example should then output in NotesHtmlText = "This is my **** html ****" 






Super User
Super User


No worries on the language - you are actually doing just fine translating from what I see.

It was me who didn't really read through as completely as I should have.


Grab some popcorn and relax...this is a long response!


I spent a little more time now and read through all the posts.  The problem you were having is that ForAll was being treating as a ForLoop development is not!  ForAll in PowerApps is designed to return a table of records based on your record definition.  In Message #3, you saw the result of this.  Your Record definition for the ForAll had no column defined, so you were going to get a Table of records based on the Split formula...a Result column.  But they are all going to be different and there is not a real good way to put them together.

So, you can't use ForAll like a ForLoop.  PowerApps is not a development platform, so it really doesn't have those type of functions - it's all about tables and records.


Okay, that what you are trying to do is not a problem, but it does take some steps to get there.  The key is to be able to split the Notes text by the keywords.  And, since the Split function requires a specific split text, and yours is variable, then Split is really not helpful.  The next key is to abide by the No-Code platform that PowerApps is and adapt to the way that it needs to process data.


What needs to be done is to identify all the locations in the text where any of the keywords are found, then use the locations and lengths to rebuild the text and remove the "found" information. we go!

Using your example in Message #3 - The formula would be this:


With({_redactText: "****"; _keyWords: [""; "999-123 45 67"]; _textToAlter: "Test string with an e-mail: and and phone: 999-123 45 67."};
            // STEP 8: sort by location for purpose of rebuild of string
                // STEP 7: drop the table column - not used hereafter
                    // STEP 6: remove records with no word
                        // STEP 5: Add the word to the record
                            // STEP 4: Ungroup the table by the Value column to provide a table 
                               with inner records
                                // STEP 1: iterate through keywords. 
                                   Note: no record defined so results will be a table in the Value column
                                    // Filter out empty locations
                                        // STEP 3: Group by the distinct locations
                                            // STEP 2: Cycle through entire string and gather all locations 
                                               where the keywords exist
                                            ForAll(Sequence(Len(_textToAlter)) As _seq;
                                                // return a record with the word, and location
                                                {wd:Value; loc:Find(Value; _textToAlter; _seq.Value)}
                                        "loc"; "_locs"
                            "wd"; First(_locs).wd

            // STEP 9: iterate over a sequence based on the number of records in the _wds table
                With({_prev:Last(FirstN(_wds; Value-1))};
                    // define record for Table as the prior record with the prev and len column added and values 
                       based on previous word
                    Patch(Last(FirstN(_wds; Value)); {prev: Coalesce(_prev.loc; 1); len:Len(_prev.wd)})


        // STEP 10: RETURN RESULTS
            // Nothing to alter - return original
            // Rebuild new string
            Concat(_items; Mid(_textToAlter; prev+len; loc-len-prev) & _redactText) & 
            With(LookUp(_items; loc=Max(_items; loc)); Mid(_textToAlter; loc + Len(wd)))




There are a lot of lines to the above because there are a lot of basic actions going on to get the data table shaped properly to be able to feed it to the final formula in the RETURN RESULTS section.


So here is what is going on - you need to read this from the inside out.

What we are doing is first building a table of all the locations of all the keywords.  This is all being put into the scoped With variable called _wds.  That variable will have a table of records with a wd and loc column.  The values will be the word and the location found (note as well, the formula will account for ALL instances of a keyword, not just one).

To get that table, we first iterate through all the keywords table (STEP 1).  This will give us our iterator.  That is then used to look through the entire string (this is the inner-most ForAll function) - STEP 2.  That is where we cycle through all the string based on the length of the string.  That ForAll returns the word in wd and the location found in loc as a record.  Since this will produce a lot of duplicated words and locations (because we just go through the string letter by letter), the formula is Grouping them by the loc (location) - STEP 3.  This will return a table with a distinct list of locations.  It will have a table column called _locs in it...we really don't need it except for the word in it. (NOTE, we also filter at this step to remove any blank locations).


So now we have a table from the Primary STEP 1 ForAll function.   Records will have ONLY a Value column that contains a record.  That record has a column called loc with a number and a column called _locs with a table.


In STEP 4, we remove the grouping of the Value column.  This will result in a table that has records with a loc column and a _locs column.  With that we then grab the word from the first record of the _locs column table and add it to the table we are building - STEP 5.


In STEP 6 we do a filter on the table we are building to remove any blank words.


STEP 7 we get rid of the _locs table column as we no longer need it (not really necessary, but just to be "clean").


STEP 8 we do a sort on all the loc columns as we want the table to be sorted by location in the string for rebuilding.


All of the above steps produce a formatted, sorted and clean table for the next process.  This is all stored in the _wds With variable.


In STEP 9, we work on the _wds table to add some more vital information.

So, we iterate over that table based on the number of rows in the table.  We get the previous record from the table first and assign it to a scoped With variable called _prev.  This is the record before the record we are currently working on - we need it for some values.  

Since we're in a ForAll, we need to define our record for the resulting table.  In this case, our record is made from the Patch of the _wds record (wd and loc) and we add two more columns, the prev column (which will hold the value of the previous word record location - note: coalesced to avoid blanks and set to 1 as the start), and the len column (which will hold the length of the previous word.)

All of this (STEP 9) produces a table.  Each record in the table will have a wd, loc, prev and len column with values.  It is all assigned to a With scoped variable called _items.


And that brings us to the final step - STEP 10.  We now have a formatted, sorted and data-full table with all the information we need to rebuild a string.

So, first off...if there happen to be no items in our table (no matches from prior steps), then we just return the original text.

Otherwise, we just iterate through the _items table in a Concat statement.  In that we use the Mid function to return bits and pieces of the original text based on all the locations and information we gathered in our table.  And then we append the redact text.  This will have returned not found text up to that location and then have the redact text in place of the keyword found.  

This then continues for the rest of the records in our table of locations.

Finally, we append the result with the Mid text to the end of the original text starting with the last location and length of word found.


SO...based on your example text, your resulting text from:

     Test string with an e-mail: and and phone: 999-123 45 67.

will be:

     Test string with an e-mail: **** and and phone: ****.


I hope this is all clear and helpful for you.  

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NOTE: My normal response times will be Mon to Fri from 1 PM to 10 PM UTC (and lots of other times too!)
Check out my PowerApps Videos too! And, follow me on Twitter @RandyHayes

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Helper II
Helper II

Okey, almost choked on my popcorn's there for a bit 🙂

Well actually this make sense, as you mentioned powerapps is not a developer platform. Coming from a more "code first" background there is a learning curve to how to make it "do what you want" i guess. I must be honest thou, I haven't fully understand your formula yet. However I do understand the concept now and the formula works just fine when testing it!

Thank you!

Super User
Super User

Yes, the popcorn and the formula is a bit to digest!


It is difficult coming from a development world to PowerApps.  I know it was a struggle for me way back when I made the switch.  But, keep at it because once you grasp the concepts, formulas like that just fly out of your mind and it all makes sense.

If you have any questions on any part of the formula let me know.  I tried to step-by-step it as much as possible, but I am sure I glossed over a few things.


Happy to help and have a happy new year!

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NOTE: My normal response times will be Mon to Fri from 1 PM to 10 PM UTC (and lots of other times too!)
Check out my PowerApps Videos too! And, follow me on Twitter @RandyHayes

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I found this incredibly useful. I was looking for a way to specify a table of find and replace pairs so that I could build a dynamic email templating system. Some small modifications and this worked perfectly.

1. In the deepest ForAll I included the replacement word as a field in the record (field named rw for replacementWord)

2. Add rw back as a column as well as wd

3. Instead of concatenating with _redactText, I use the replacement word I placed in that record


I implemented this in a component that has two input parameters:

InputText (replaces _textToAlter)

FindAndReplaceTable ( a table with the schema { find: "textToFind", replaceWith: "textToOutput" } )

I included my entire code in case someone else is looking to do the same

        _items: With(
                _wds: Sort(//step 8: sort by the found locations so we can rebuild the string
                    DropColumns(//step 7: drop the _locs column, its not used any longer
                        Filter(//step 6: remove records with no word
                            AddColumns(//step 5: add the word and replaceWith as columns
                                Ungroup(//step 4: ungropu the table by the value column to produce a tablle with inner records
                                    ForAll(//iterate through all the keywords
                                        //Note: no record defined so results will be a table in the Value column
                                        Self.FindAndReplaceTable As _frt,
                                        Filter(//Filter out the empty locations
                                            GroupBy(//Step 3: Group by the distinct locations
                                                ForAll(//Step 2: Cycle through the entire string and gather all locations where the keywords exist
                                                    Sequence(Len(Self.InputText)) As _seq,//Return a record with the word found and its location
                                                        wd: _frt.find,
                                                        loc: Find(
                                                        rw: _frt.replaceWith
            ForAll(//step 9 iterate over a sequence based on the number of records in the _wds table
                        _prev: Last(
                                Value - 1
                    Patch(//define record for table as the prior record with the prev and len column added and values based on the previous word
                        Last (
                            prev: Coalesce(
                            len: Len(_prev.wd)
    If(//Step 10: return results
        CountRows(_items) = 0,//Nothing to alter, return the original text
        Concat(//Rebuild the new string
                prev + len,
                loc - len - prev
            ) & rw
        ) & With(
                loc = Max(
                loc + Len(wd)



Hi folks,


I had a similar need recently to replace multiple tags in a paragraph of text and so I split the text into rows of a table, performed a lookup on each string and used coalesce to return the lookup value or the original value.  This enabled me to patch the results to a collection and join back together with a concat.  The logic is quite compact by comparison, so I thought I would throw this idea into the mix.  You could maintain a table of values to replace, split the string on a space and lookup each value and replacement using the method I demo below.



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Community Roundup: A Look Back at Our Last 10 Tuesday Tips

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April 2024 Community Newsletter

We're pleased to share the April Community Newsletter, where we highlight the latest news, product releases, upcoming events, and the amazing work of our outstanding Community members.   If you're new to the Community, please make sure to follow the latest News & Announcements and check out the Community on LinkedIn as well! It's the best way to stay up-to-date with all the news from across Microsoft Power Platform and beyond.    COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTS   Check out the most active community members of the last month! These hardworking members are posting regularly, answering questions, kudos, and providing top solutions in their communities. We are so thankful for each of you--keep up the great work! 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It's time to look forward to the next installment of the Power Platform Community Conference, which takes place this year on 18-20th September 2024 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas!   Come and be inspired by Microsoft senior thought leaders and the engineers behind the #PowerPlatform, with Charles Lamanna, Sangya Singh, Ryan Cunningham, Kim Manis, Nirav Shah, Omar Aftab and Leon Welicki already confirmed to speak. You'll also be able to learn from industry experts and Microsoft MVPs who are dedicated to bridging the gap between humanity and technology. These include the likes of Lisa Crosbie, Victor Dantas, Kristine Kolodziejski, David Yack, Daniel Christian, Miguel Félix, and Mats Necker, with many more to be announced over the coming weeks.   Click here to watch our brand-new sizzle reel for #PPCC24 or click the image below to find out more about registration. See you in Vegas!     Power Up Program Announces New Video-Based Learning Hear from Principal Program Manager, Dimpi Gandhi, to discover the latest enhancements to the Microsoft #PowerUpProgram. These include a new accelerated video-based curriculum crafted with the expertise of Microsoft MVPs, Rory Neary and Charlie Phipps-Bennett. If you’d like to hear what’s coming next, click the image below to find out more!     UPCOMING EVENTS Microsoft Build - Seattle and Online - 21-23rd May 2024 Taking place on 21-23rd May 2024 both online and in Seattle, this is the perfect event to learn more about low code development, creating copilots, cloud platforms, and so much more to help you unleash the power of AI.   There's a serious wealth of talent speaking across the three days, including the likes of Satya Nadella, Amanda K. 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There's a whole host of experts speakers across the three-day event, including the likes of Vesa Juvonen, Laurie Pottmeyer, Dan Holme, Mark Kashman, Dona Sarkar, Gavin Barron, Emily Mancini, Martina Grom, Ahmad Najjar, Liz Sundet, Nikki Chapple, Sara Fennah, Seb Matthews, Tobias Martin, Zoe Wilson, Fabian Williams, and many more.   Click the image below to find out more about #ECS2024 and register today!   Microsoft 365 & Power Platform Conference - Seattle - 3-7th June If you're looking to turbo boost your Power Platform skills this year, why not take a look at everything TechCon365 has to offer at the Seattle Convention Center on June 3-7, 2024.   This amazing 3-day conference (with 2 optional days of workshops) offers over 130 sessions across multiple tracks, alongside 25 workshops presented by Power Platform, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Viva, Azure, Copilot and AI experts. There's a great array of speakers, including the likes of Nirav Shah, Naomi Moneypenny, Jason Himmelstein, Heather Cook, Karuana Gatimu, Mark Kashman, Michelle Gilbert, Taiki Y., Kristi K., Nate Chamberlain, Julie Koesmarno, Daniel Glenn, Sarah Haase, Marc Windle, Amit Vasu, Joanne C Klein, Agnes Molnar, and many more.   Click the image below for more #Techcon365 intel and register today!   For more events, click the image below to visit the Microsoft Community Days website.    

Tuesday Tip | Update Your Community Profile Today!

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Hear what's next for the Power Up Program

Hear from Principal Program Manager, Dimpi Gandhi, to discover the latest enhancements to the Microsoft #PowerUpProgram, including a new accelerated video-based curriculum crafted with the expertise of Microsoft MVPs, Rory Neary and Charlie Phipps-Bennett. If you’d like to hear what’s coming next, click the link below to sign up today!  

Tuesday Tip: Community User Groups

It's time for another TUESDAY TIPS, your weekly connection with the most insightful tips and tricks that empower both newcomers and veterans in the Power Platform Community! Every Tuesday, we bring you a curated selection of the finest advice, distilled from the resources and tools in the Community. Whether you’re a seasoned member or just getting started, Tuesday Tips are the perfect compass guiding you across the dynamic landscape of the Power Platform Community.   As our community family expands each week, we revisit our essential tools, tips, and tricks to ensure you’re well-versed in the community’s pulse. Keep an eye on the News & Announcements for your weekly Tuesday Tips—you never know what you may learn!   Today's Tip: Community User Groups and YOU Being part of, starting, or leading a User Group can have many great benefits for our community members who want to learn, share, and connect with others who are interested in the Microsoft Power Platform and the low-code revolution.   When you are part of a User Group, you discover amazing connections, learn incredible things, and build your skills. Some User Groups work in the virtual space, but many meet in physical locations, meaning you have several options when it comes to building community with people who are learning and growing together!   Some of the benefits of our Community User Groups are: Network with like-minded peers and product experts, and get in front of potential employers and clients.Learn from industry experts and influencers and make your own solutions more successful.Access exclusive community space, resources, tools, and support from Microsoft.Collaborate on projects, share best practices, and empower each other. These are just a few of the reasons why our community members love their User Groups. Don't wait. Get involved with (or maybe even start) a User Group today--just follow the tips below to get started.For current or new User Group leaders, all the information you need is here: User Group Leader Get Started GuideOnce you've kicked off your User Group, find the resources you need:  Community User Group ExperienceHave questions about our Community User Groups? Let us know! We are here to help you!

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